25 Amazing Food Cures.

1. Be more positive- Dark Chocolate
2. Reduce Anxiety- Garlic
3. Fire up your morning metabolisim- Coffee
4. Fire up your evening metabolisim- Chili peppers
5. Lower your blood pressure- Fried eggs.
6 Stress relief- Gum
7. Stave off depression- Salmon!! (one of my favorite foods)
8. Speed weight loss- Yogurt
9. Increasing your energy- Grilled Chicken Breast
10. Be more efficient- Kidney Beans
11. Stabilize your blood sugar- Barley
12. Improve your endurance- Clams
13. Improve your immunity- Rooibos tea
14. Stop coughs- Honey
15. Tame a cold- Kiwi
16. Soothe a migrane- Olives
17. Lower your chlestorol- Margirine
18. Repair muscle- Spinach
19. Recover from a workout- Green Tea
20. Replinish your body- post workout- Skim chocolate milk
21. Improve focus and concentration- Sardines
22. Avoid alzhiemers disease- Bananas
23. Protect your brain- Steak
24. Build long lasting brain power- Carrots
25. Sharpen your senses- Ground flaxseed.

From: Yahoo heath. (Last weight loss site i was on i was told we wen't allowed to send links so i listed them all here. :)
