
I've never ever ever done one before...but my husband really wants to do one and I've wanted to for a long time also. Any suggestions cause I know nothing about them!?


  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    My thoughts are: if your going to do a cleanse, do a parasite cleanse. This way it will rid your body of any unwelcome visitors and restore the good flora that will help your internal organs process better.
  • nedezdha
    I've read in a lot of places that plain fruit shakes first thing in the morning is a great cleanser. I had already had that a few times and didn't know that's what it was doing. I used one cup of blueberries, one cup of strawberries, and one cup of pineapple. Nothing else. and lots and lots of water throughout the day! That's the only bit of advice I have on that. Plus, blueberries are FANTASTIC for you.
  • CAworkout
    CAworkout Posts: 27 Member
    I kicked off my new eating routine with a "detox" diet called the Fat Smash Diet. A friend of mine that is a nutritionist recommended it. You can google it to find the details. It's much more healthy than some of those crazy ones you hear about that are super restrictive. This one seems to get your body working efficiently and get the junk out and depending on how you eat currently, it may not be that different from your normal diet. It really helped retrain my tastebuds to break craving habits. I've stuck with the principles of it for the last year and a half now and I totally don't feel like I'm restricting myself.
  • happy115
    A lot of cleansing is all just losing water weight, so you think you're losing weight.

    One that helps w/ getting rid of toxicity is the cranberry detox but don't do it for the sake of losing weight, it's a wrong mindset to do it for that sake.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    If you do a cleanse, choose a gentle one. And don't do it for quick weight loss, it won't last. I did the Master Cleanse last year and passed out after the 5th day. I would recommend drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices for at least 3 days. You will definitely feel a difference.
  • Ebby0525
    Ebby0525 Posts: 11 Member
    I have tried the cabbage soup cleanse, it works well..but there is also some pills you can take too...called, Super Colon Cleanse by health plus, its sold at vitamin shopee for 9.99, it works! just makes you feel so much better!!!!..and its all natural....the cabbage soup cleanse really is hard through...after 5 days i felt like i was gonna die lol...
  • angelrj2005
    DO NOT RECOMMEND THE CABBAGE SOUP DIET. thats all I can say about that without down right bashing it. lemme know if u find a decent one.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    your liver and kidneys do all the cleansing you really need. I promise your marvelous body is doing a great job, there are no poisons to remove through a "detox". Increase your water and your fiber and you will be super. Promise!