Can't lose weight :(

Hi all, I didn't realise mfp had forums! I recently joined slimming world, and over 3 weeks lost 2lbs :-/ wasn't happy with how much chemically altered foods they allow (muller lites etc) so have stopped going. I stopped drinking wine a week ago, but still haven't lost a pound :( feeling really disillusioned! So I'm now going to try and eat as cleanly as possible, and once my son goes back to school and I can restart my cycling (5 year olds aren't good at 25mile rides!!) hopefully I can start shifting it again.
Last year I was 3.5 stone lighter than I am now, can't believe how easy it is to put weight on :-/


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Make sure you're tracking your food consistently

    Try to plan your meals out as much as you can - this makes logging loads easier.

    Pack meals/snacks so temptations aren't as tempting

    Weigh/measure your food and check labels to make sure tracking is accurate as possible

    Good luck!
  • I feel ya.over the last year my weight has been hard for me to tame. I lose it without trying and then gain it back and then some!! I agree with the planning meals ahead thing. I pack my lunch and try not to eat out, because when I go out to eat I tend to not exactly think about healthy foods. also try making healthier meals that the rest of the family will enjoy, its almost like a support group but better.good luck <3
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    If you make your diary public we can see where you may be able to substitute healthier foods or where the problems may be.
  • This is my second go round at losing a huge chunk of weight. I previously did it so that I could become pregnant and it worked after 65 pounds lost. I have now gained almost all of it back and am trying again. This time it is much much harder. I am trying Weight Watchers which really does mean planning meals ahead most of the time. I love the support that this site gives and hopefully we can all "work" together and encourage each other!
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    patience and persistence are key. a couple weeks is not long enough in a consistent, persistent routine to know what will work long term for your body.

    -determine your daily calorie goal using the app on MFP
    -track all of your food every day
    -track all of your exercise every day
    -do exercise of some sort every day
    -start to get an idea of what you're really putting into your body on a daily basis and where you can make improvements.
    -start replacing some unhealthy choices with healthy ones

    stick with it for at least a couple months before declaring you can't lose weight, because you can! you can! you can!
  • I always thought my main problem was wine! But a week in and not a lb gone I'm wondering if it is! I think portion size might not help either, so I will try and weigh and measure stuff more strictly.
    Looking forward to getting to know you all (and ill try and work out how to make my food diary public!) ;)
  • why can I see everyones weight loss tickers but mine?
  • hi there! :) I used to be 100 kgs after dieting for 2 years I am now 69 kgs and still setting my goal to be HEALTHY.
    You should know right down your purpose why do you want to lose your weight. And hold on to things that will inspire you and keep you from doing it. Believe and have Faith :) you can do it!