Headache and dizzy hours after intense workout

Ok, ok, ok....So the past two days I have worked out hard, which consisted of about 40 mins of cardio (jog/run) and some jumping jacks, crunchers, squats, punches, and dumb bell rows. I feel awesome after my workouts, but about 3-4 hours later I "crash" and get a terrible headache, feel kinda dizzy, and just plain off. First question you will prob ask me is how is my water intake...It is really good, I drink a ton of water all day and even during exercise. Around 8-10 glasses a day. I eat before and after my workout. Usually, an apple and peanut butter right after and then eggs and veg a few hours later. So if it isn't my water intake, and I am eating before and after, then what could be the problem? The only difference in the last couple of days workout vs all my other workouts, is that I have stepped up the intensity. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!


  • delyn356
    delyn356 Posts: 145 Member
    Edit: oops...just saw that you're eating after. sorry :( Maybe your body is just trying to get used to the new intensity levels & you're not getting enough rest in-between? so instead of having two really really intense days, have one day of intense workout then one day of moderate intensity until your body no longer reacts like that.

    sorry that i'm not too much of a help with this. but if it continues, you may need to scale back a bit.
  • noahsmama33
    noahsmama33 Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe I am overexerting myself, thank you!:smile:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Calorie wise

    Are you eating enough calories to fuel a higher intensity workout?
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If you made your diary public it would be easier to offer advice. :smile:

    Other than that - maybe the more intense workout is requiring a few more calories? Or as previous poster said, it's too much too soon....
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Ok, ok, ok....So the past two days I have worked out hard, which consisted of about 40 mins of cardio (jog/run) and some jumping jacks, crunchers, squats, punches, and dumb bell rows. I feel awesome after my workouts, but about 3-4 hours later I "crash" and get a terrible headache, feel kinda dizzy, and just plain off. First question you will prob ask me is how is my water intake...It is really good, I drink a ton of water all day and even during exercise. Around 8-10 glasses a day. I eat before and after my workout. Usually, an apple and peanut butter right after and then eggs and veg a few hours later. So if it isn't my water intake, and I am eating before and after, then what could be the problem? The only difference in the last couple of days workout vs all my other workouts, is that I have stepped up the intensity. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks!

    8-10 glasses may not be enough if you've increased you intensity. You are sweating more. You may also have (and don't freak out like alot of folks do at this word) too little sodium in your diet.
  • SirBuggsALotLovesALot
    I think it is awesome that you are working out so intensely. It sounds like your meals before and after your workouts consist of very little carbohydrates. Have you tried a protein shake after your workout (something with a good balance of CHO, protein and fat). Also, it might be a good idea to have your blood pressure checked. I would, also, keep a diary to have a more accurate indicator as to when the headaches occur; e.g. always 3 hours after intense workouts, after all workouts, etc. If is doesn't resolve, get your doctor involved. It could be something more serious but only she can order the necessary tests. Take your dietary and exercise activity log with you to the Dr. :smile:
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Seeing as though you increased your intensity, could be that you are not drinking enough water. You say you drink 8-10 glasses a day, but how much are you drinking right before, during and after your workout, your body could be dehydrated from all that sweating. I found that when I drink a lot of water before my workout, not directly before because don't want to have an upset stomach, but a decent window before and then take sips during, I function better during the routine because my body is hydrated and then I drink tons through the rest of the day after my workout....I drink 30 glasses a day, 8 glasses is the recommended amount for days you don't workout.

    Good luck and feel better soon :)
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Calorie wise

    Are you eating enough calories to fuel a higher intensity workout?

    This. Plus, all the water in the world will not replace your electrolytes, and that can make you feel all kinds of crappy. There are lots of low/no calorie options - I usually fill my water bottle with 1/2 G2 or coconut water and 1/2 water. The more you sweat, the more you'll need to make sure you're getting hydrated and replenishing your electrolytes.

    Your workouts don't sound like you are overexerting yourself - even if it's a big change for you, you don't necessarily have to back off. Your body will adapt pretty quickly (within a week or 2) if you stay consistent.