lost with Insanity

so I'm a 5'4 twenty year old female weighing in at 157. I'm on my sixth week of insanity and since week one and week two everything has been going down hill. I lost 3.5 lbs my first two weeks and then have been slowly gaining even though my calorie intake has been the same (1500 per day). I've taken measurements and they really haven't budged. I'm horribly discouraged and unsure if I need to down my calories because the thought of upping them brings the fear of gaining weight. with these Max workouts I burn at least 400 but never more than 560. at this point i'm so desperate and confused I have no idea what to do


  • CassieD2008
    CassieD2008 Posts: 10 Member
    Have you been following the diet plan everyday and drinking at least 8 glasses of water plus? The diet is 90% of weight loss! Also, if there is a lot of stress in your life, that could take factor in why you're not losing weight. I'm doing Insanity now too and it's hard to follow the diet but worth it! I'm on my 7th day and I have lost 4 pounds already! :) Add me and we could motivate each other!
  • The above post is very accurate. Your muscles are holding onto a ton of water to recover so the gain is most likely water weight. I took a few days off when i started to gain and then the pounds shed off. Also I'm sure you're losing inches around your body - it's not all about the scale.
  • pavrg
    pavrg Posts: 277 Member
    1500 net cals is a lot for a woman trying to lose weight, so try redoing your tdee. Also, are you sure you are burning 400-500 cals in insanity as a newbie? I think that your estimate is high and you're really burning 100-200. Finally, are you accurately weighing everything you eat?

    The first two weeks of a new cardio/diet is typically when you see a sudden drop in weight (up to 10 lbs) because you lose a lot of water weight. If you're stuck after that then one of the above three things is your problem, not water retention.
  • if i followed the diet plan I'd be eating 1800 calories a day and that seems way to unrealistic. I drink a lot of water, and this is my second week on month 2 so I don't think it's water retention.

    sorry maybe I should be more clear I wasn't netting 1500 cals a day I was eating 1500 a day without eating back my insanity calories. I'm assuming that my heart rate monitor is accurate especially since I set it to believe I'm lighter than I am (by 5 lbs). But I think my problem lies with underestimating my calorie intake. I'm scaling back this week to 1200 with the assumption that if i'm underestimating I'll be scaling back.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I am 5'3 and had similar weight when I did insanity. Back then, I netted 1300-1400 calories. I don't think your eating enough. Per my HRM, I burned over 400 calories on the max workouts. If you are similar, that would mean you are netting 1100 Or less.

    Up your calories by 100, see it that works. Also watch sodium, make sure u r drinking enough water, getting enough protein. Plus if its TOM coming, that could account for the bump in the scale.