New and scared stiff



  • amberlynyeager
    Anyone can add me. Accepting all requests. Please add me! Giving and receiving all support. 24/f/tx
  • JaneAero
    JaneAero Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great messages of support, its quarter to 1 in the morning in the UK so I have to go off to bed and I will read your messages/add folks/send any o/s replies tomorrow, goodnight and god bless you all xxx
  • ManderWebb
    Just sent you a friend request. I have used MFP in the past but never really got involved with the community or anything. So I'm going to try that out this time to see if I have better success! Good luck!
  • SarahRosewriter
    Hi, I just joined today, but I am no stranger to weight loss (and gain!). Over the years, I have lost 75 pounds, gained back 150; lost 75 pounds, gained back 60 ... the numbers can be depressing but the main thing is to focus on your health. I know the time it takes to lose the weight sounds daunting, but I tell myself this: it may take three years for me to reach my goal if I follow my plan. But how much will I weigh in three years if I don't follow the plan? Besides, if you're going to keep the weight off, you'll have to change your lifestyle--forever. So don't think of it as "I have to be on a diet for a year"; think of it as "I'm changing my lifestyle permanently, starting now." You can do it!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome aboard! Remember, it is 1lb at at a time! Not 80, or 50, or 10, but just 1lb at a time. Just as you can only deal with 1 hurdle at a time. Think baby steps, and I am sure you will have it beaten
  • ejdutton
    ejdutton Posts: 329 Member
    Like many people on here I have struggled for years with yo yo dieting and loosing weight then putting it back on. I started to loosely count calories about 8 weeks ago and I lost 7 pounds in 4 weeks. I was frustrated as I felt like I needed a better result, although to be fair 7llbs is a great start.
    I have now been doing the fast 5:2 diet for 3 weeks and I lost 7 llbs the first week, had a bad week and lost 1.5llbs and then last week another 8llbs!
    I have been very strict with myself and have restricted my calories to 500 on the fast days and 1200 on the other days, it was a little hard in the first week but im really getting into the swing of things now and am determined to keep it going!

    I just need to start with the exercise as I am noticing things getting a little loose and need a bit of work!

    If anyone has any hints and tips on how to get started with this I would be most grateful.

    Look forward to reading about everyones journeys!

    Please feel free to add me :)
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    So much great info in this tread! I need to read some of it again to absorb it better.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    So much great info in this tread! I need to read some of it again to absorb it better. Is there any way I can go back and change any of the initial info that I put in? Not just the stuff it brings up when you go into goals and change them.
  • _TimeForMe
    _TimeForMe Posts: 156 Member
    I'm on daily. Feel free to add me!