Ladies! Working out with an IUD?



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I am on my second mirena- it is the best method ever- some random spotting but otherwise the best birth control ever
  • laam2884
    laam2884 Posts: 1
    I've had the Mirena IUD since April and its been really great so far. I love the idea of semi-permanent birth control for up to 5 years! Well, I've just started running since I've gotten the thing, I've been going about 4 times a week for the past month. I just went on a pretty lengthy one tonight and I woke up in the middle of the night with intense abdominal cramping. I slept with a dude 3 days ago and I started freaking out that I must have an STI or something. After investigating, I figure most STI symptoms don't show up that soon after sex. So, then I got to thinking maybe something was up with my IUD.. After reading this forum I'm feeling slightly nervous about it and how its doing up there. I can feel the strings still but I'm just worried its like, rupturing my uterine wall or something. Anyone else experience intense tummy ache like cramps that wake you up in the middle of the night? Agh, maybe it was something I ate. I'm just, normally a very healthy person and it freaks me out when something doesn't feel right. Any tips/advise would be so greatly appreciated!
  • Hey! Thanks for sharing. Out of curiosity, what did you go with after they took the IUD out?

    I just got a copper T put in but am a little worried because I really like (more, appreciate) exercising 5-6 days/week and my doctor (P.A. actually) said I shouldn't exercise for a week and to "be careful after that." I was also told to be careful swimming (one of my faves) and in jacuzzis (super wonderful after running/swimming/etc AND good for pms/cramping!)
    I wish they would have discussed this with me before I got it put in...I probably still would have tried it but I hate the idea that my athletic activities may be restricted or more susceptible to getting infections, displacing it, etc...After putting it in me, she kept saying, "remember, it's a foreign object." Which, I get, but being active is so important--as most on here agree!
  • Same thing happened to me. I started having cramps even after walking! They got progressively worse. I got it taken out (because of the pain, mood problems, not losing weight etc) And I am much better for it!!! I am still getting back to normal after having it out but things are looking better. See someone about it but my doctor didn't believe me, I had to go through three different people before someone listened to me properly.

    Hey! Thanks for sharing. Out of curiosity, what did you go with after they took the IUD out?

    I just got a copper T put in but am a little worried because I really like (more, appreciate) exercising 5-6 days/week and my doctor (P.A. actually) said I shouldn't exercise for a week and to "be careful after that." I was also told to be careful swimming (one of my faves) and in jacuzzis (super wonderful after running/swimming/etc AND good for pms/cramping!)
    I wish they would have discussed this with me before I got it put in...I probably still would have tried it but I hate the idea that my athletic activities may be restricted or more susceptible to getting infections, displacing it, etc...After putting it in me, she kept saying, "remember, it's a foreign object." Which, I get, but being active is so important--as most on here agree!
  • I've had Mirena for over 4 years with no problems but now that Im am working out Ive started spotting.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    haha whoa - just the thread that never dies.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    If the cramping is bothering you, and it's NOT an infection), see if your ob/gyn will prescribe you naproxen.

    Naproxen is readily available over the counter under a variety of brand names, most commonly Aleve. Store-brands are effective and often less expensive. Although it costs a bit more than Ibuprofen (which is really cheap), I don't find the cost to be prohibitive, especially if I buy the larger bottle and try to catch it on special. I personally like it much better than Ibuprofen (quicker-acting, more effective, and longer-lasting).

    I know others will have different opinions, but I take it every day. I have some issues with chronic pain and if I keep the edge off with an anti-inflammatory, I rarely give in and take anything stronger.

    Anyhow, I would definitely follow through with your doc. I hope you figure out what works for you. :)
  • I too am worried about this. I just had my paraguard inserted this week but just had this fear of displacement. Why did the doctor not tell me about this?! Maybe I will have it taken out after 2-5 years to make it worth the money??
  • Potteryashes
    Potteryashes Posts: 1 Member
    I had the same problem. I just got mine out as the pain started to increase in intensity and how often. Apparently my iud had embedded itself into the wall of my uterus pretty good and was what was causing my pain when moving around a lot and with sexual activity. I got mine out over three weeks ago and just started going back to the gym. I still get a few random pain stabs from where it had been after working out really hard. But the most noticeable bonus has been being able to work out more and with a lot more ease and less recovery time. On mirena I could do one maybe two intense classes a week if I hadn't been in for a few weeks. I was able to do two full and two half classes this week without feeling any of the horrible muscle pain and fatigue I had when on mirena (I now just have the normal post work out soreness). While on mirena I had spent a year and a half building up to being able to go to four classes a week and every time I was still sore like after your first class starting a new workout regime.I feel much less lame and more able to accomplish my fitness goals.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    I have had my Mirena IUD for four years now. No more TOM or issues. Best thing ever! I did cramp and spot the first couple of months. Now, I forget it's there. I exercise heavy three times a week (running). No cramps
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I've had Mirena for over 4 years with no problems but now that Im am working out Ive started spotting.

    3ish years on first mirena, 2-ish years of compound lifting.

    no periods at all once the device settled down. it stopped the whole thing in its tracks.

    about a year later i started stronglifts. over those first 6 months or so i did get spotting occasionally after a workout. just really light (more like clear pink fluid than actual blood) and pretty specific to the workout itself.

    two years into lifting now and i dont' actually remember the last time it happened.

    however, another factor in my case may be that i'm 51. for all i know actual menopause came along and took place while i was thinking about something else.
  • Alishia6606
    Alishia6606 Posts: 140 Member
    I've had my Mirena in for four years now. My dr said the cramping and spotting after exercise was normal with it as my body was adjusting and producing more hormones. It stopped after a few weeks, but after 4 years with no periods, it sucks that I am getting small ones now.

    Best of luck!
  • MarenPrediger
    MarenPrediger Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I had a copper IUD inserted in December 2016 and had cramps for two days after the implant was set and also have the heaviest and longest periods ever (I used to have 3 or 4 light days, now I have 7 heavy dates with lots of ibuprofen to be able to stand upright). My doctors checked the placing, it sits nice and snug at the right place. I went to spinning today and am having cramps now, about 2 hours later, so I feel like it is exercise related.
    I also had cramps when I went on two days of no carbs, but as soon as I had carbs again they were completely gone, and from what I could find on the internet (I'm a chemist, so research is what I do :P), a low carb concentration can lead to changes in your hormones and increase cramping.

    It's not a fix, but my doctors said to wait a while and see if it gets better. They also said I am one of those super-in-tune-with-my-body people who's very sensitive to changes, so yayyy to us...

    But glad to see that i'm not the only one
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    I had the Mirena for a year and I had nonstop horrible cramps every time I worked out. Or did anything exerting. I worked out anyways, but it was pretty terrible. The doc finally let me take it out after a year when none of the cramping had gotten better.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    hailzp wrote: »
    Same thing happened to me. I started having cramps even after walking! They got progressively worse. I got it taken out (because of the pain, mood problems, not losing weight etc) And I am much better for it!!! I am still getting back to normal after having it out but things are looking better. See someone about it but my doctor didn't believe me, I had to go through three different people before someone listened to me properly.

    same here it was fine at tje start. I always felt crappy. after having it out I became me again. it really messed with my moods...and so much else took a good 6 months till I was fully back to myself but had so many things it was my gp that linked it all to tje iud and wanted me to get it glad I did. Friends have it no problems workout and love it.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Check the strings.

    Mine went "missing" and in a few weeks I'm going in for surgery to remove it...from my upper right quadrant of my abdomen.
  • treehugnmama
    treehugnmama Posts: 816 Member
    I could never feel the strings but when I went in to have it removed 4 years in it was missing. xray and ultrasound didn't find it. had I not had pcos I'd probably ended up pregnant. the decline of mine was cramping and recurring bladder infections over and over. (haven't had one in a year since removed) I was getting spotting and cramping after sex and walking just felt like crap. I hope you get it figured out!! after getting mine out I felt like I missed the last 4 years like I was in a haze. I went from doing a half marathon just prior to getting it to not being able to walk around the block shortly before it went missing
  • malary_cloke
    malary_cloke Posts: 1 Member
    Starting to feel like something might be up with mine too. Have had it for two months. Mild cramps for a couple weeks after I had it put in, had my period for a week or so that week too, still exercised fine. Bleeding mostly stopped aside from the very odd spotting, exercise was still fine. And then when it was time for my next period, it started...and 2.5 weeks later is still here (very light and sometimes just spotting but still there enough to be annoying). It's making me emotional/sad, muscle recovery is crap, and now is at the point where it seems like the bleeding/spotting is ONLY induced by exercise.

    So this sucks because working out is my favourite part of the day and is more or less my life..... Should I go to the doctor? I'm honestly thinking about having her take it out even only after two months; I don't love the idea that my body is taking this long to get used to some foreign object inside of me messing with my natural hormones and it certainly is not helping my fitness progress any. I just wish I was told that THIS would be one of the side effects.

    I have the Kyleena IUD, fyi. It's a smaller version of Mirena.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Wow this thread is over 7 years old!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    "Why didn't you search to see if anyone else already had a thread about [thing]" vs. "OMG, Necro thread!"

    And then here I am to be snarky about it. Sorry - but not quite sorry enough not to post.