New on myfitness pal - type 2 diabetic

They say misery loves company right. So I figure every one with the same problem could use a companion. so I am here for companions and support on this journey. I have got to lose about 100 pounds - No easy undertaking. I have lost about 40 pounds so far but still have about 100 more to be happy and healthy. I keep falling and hurting myself and I positive the weight is a contributing factor. So I have go to do this. One day at a time. Good Luck to you all and God Bless you on this journey. Connie


  • samijdkl
    samijdkl Posts: 35 Member
    I too am a t2 diabetic with aprox 100lb to lose we can do this i joined this site on tue
  • ricomincia
    ricomincia Posts: 229 Member
    Me too. Hoping through diet at fitness I can control it! Aims are to loose 18Kg and try and prevent myself getting worse!

    Good luck!
  • NightMagic5
    NightMagic5 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't have diabetics but I do have a weight problem. I'm terrific at losing when I put my mind to it & than someone talks me into going to a buffet for super & there goes my weight loss. If you need encouragement you can add me as a friend. It does help to have people encouraging you.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm an insulin dependent T2 diabetic diagnosed in 1982. The MyFitnessPal program has been invaluable to me, not only have I improved my blood sugar control since signing up, I've also enjoyed a significant weight loss, to include cutting my D meds in half by honestly logging the food I eat and watching my carb intake, along with a regular exercise routine.

    At 56, I'm healthier now than I was in my 40's, and owe much of my success and accomplishments to this site and it's support.
    If you're not aware, there's an active T2 diabetic group, with people eager to share their support and encouragement. Have a look around the various threads and ask questions and share your experiences too when you feel comfortable.

    Wishing you the same success I've enjoyed. Best of luck and good health!
  • medic0601
    medic0601 Posts: 3
    I reversed my diabetes!! It can be done-I'm truly excited about this. Type 2 diabetics have diabetes due to diet. If you cut out the bad carbs you will succeed! Look up the paleo diet, also there is plenty of research out there on this topic ;)
  • samijdkl
    samijdkl Posts: 35 Member
    its not just diet that gives you t2 its your genitcs it makes me really mad when i see people says we did it our self with the food we ate if that was true everyone even slightly over weight would have it .
    im pleased you have your diabetes under control but please do not think you are cured your not starting eating more carbs than your body can handle or gain a bit of weight it will still be there i know of lots of under weight t2's
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    its not just diet that gives you t2 its your genitcs it makes me really mad when i see people says we did it our self with the food we ate if that was true everyone even slightly over weight would have it .
    im pleased you have your diabetes under control but please do not think you are cured your not starting eating more carbs than your body can handle or gain a bit of weight it will still be there i know of lots of under weight t2's

    To demonstrate that it takes all kinds to make an MFP... :drinker:

    <begin rant>

    This dogma really bugs me. And I don't associate with most other type 2 people (or the ADA for that matter) because of this.

    I totally caused mine. Sure there was probably some genetic weakness that was a component, but the 100+ extra pounds that I managed to pack into my belly and my insanely sedentary lifestyle surely was the cause.

    No one needs to be shamed for becoming diabetic - it is it's own punishment - but we should not be intentionally blind to the obvious patterns that lead to the vast majority of type 2 diabetes. And exceptions do not prove rules.

    People reverse their diabetes regularly*. It does not have to be a life sentence. Particularly for the younger and younger people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes today.

    In my opinion, saying that you are not cured/reversed when all of your indicators are normal because, were you to get fat and eat unhealthy again you would probably have bad numbers again is exactly like saying that an obese person is not "cured" of obesity simply because they are skinny now - because if they started jamming excessive amounts of pie into their mouths again they would become obese again. (Although, we're probably headed that direction. :sad: )

    I have been type 2 for well over a decade. I have lost 80 lbs. since January. My A1C is now 5.5 (down from 7 in January). I have not had a glucose test (fasting or post meal) result in excess of 110/6.2 since the 11th of February. I would not say that I am "cured" or even "reversed" because I have not yet bothered to get a tolerance test. But I can eat whatever I want (half a Domino's deep dish pizza or a couple Panera cinnamon crunch bagels, etc) and I simply don't spike any more. This is not "normal" for a diabetic. If this is not "reversed" or "cured" - I don't know that I really care about some theoretical distinction.

    But however you see it - have some hope. Lose your excess weight. Kick your activity up significantly. Reduce your carbs until your levels are healthy. Do what it takes. Don't fall into the trap of hopelessness, despair and "patient fatigue" leading to non-compliance. Maybe you can reverse yours before it is too late for you. Because the alternative really is a spiral to disability and death.

    My dad died from complications of diabetes. After related severe heart problems. After related amputations. After related systemic infections. He would have turned 65 last month, but instead he died at 59.

    I wonder if he'd still be here if the message that the ADA and their puppet corps of CDE's had given him was a useful message of hope and aggressive behavioral intervention instead of the nonsense "diabetes is incurable and progressive", "you can still eat cake" and "we have wonderful drugs and when they don't work anymore, insulin is a great option" message that they insist on spreading.

    The ADAs dogma is a freaking tragedy.

    Good luck.

    <end rant>

    * Reversal appears to be a relatively predictable outcome of bariatric surgery. It also appears that it may happen with very low calorie diets -
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Sorry OP. :bigsmile:

    Welcome to MFP!
  • ricomincia
    ricomincia Posts: 229 Member
    I reversed my diabetes!! It can be done-I'm truly excited about this. Type 2 diabetics have diabetes due to diet. If you cut out the bad carbs you will succeed! Look up the paleo diet, also there is plenty of research out there on this topic ;)

    Great! :) I believe Type2 is mainly down to diet and I'm hoping I can get the same result by taking down my fat levels!

    Currently on metformin and really want to get to a stage where I am not taking drugs to control my sugar levels.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I was diagnosed with Type 2 last year, and started taking care of myself. It DOES run in both sides of my family, so I didn't get upset with that diagnosis. I just took action by simply changing my eating habits, drinking more water, and exercising. I went from 181 that day down to 133 now, and I've been at that stage for nearly 9 months now.

    The best thing is I don't have to give up the sweet tooth. I just incorporate it into my 155 carbs per day.

    I was at my doctor yesterday afternoon because I thought something was wrong with me. He said, "You are the poster child of good health." All my numbers from the blood work came out perfect.

    I had been on two medications (Metformin for diabetes and Lisinopril for blood pressure), but I've been off both since January. I still have diabetes, and there's no cure for it, but I'm controlling it and not vice versa. :wink:

    It can be done if you want it badly enough. I did it. :happy:
  • Hello OddballExtreme

    I have been diabetic (type 2) for about 2 years now, and I am unable to get it under control. I exercise 3 times a week for an hour each time, 30 minute walks on days that I don't go to the gym, and I eat healthy low to no carb meals from diabetic recipe books. I have only lost 10 lbs in 2 years (203 to 193), my A1C is in the mid 7s, and my average blood levels are 160-170.

    Here is where I get confused. If I perchance a hot fudge sundae the night before I test my blood sugar, the next morning my fasting blood level measures in the low 130s. Why? Seems bass-ackward to me! I don't understand the whole eating thing apparently. Salads with no sugar vinaigrette dressings seem to raise my blood sugar, yet high fat sugary foods are lowering it. I watch the size of my portions, and with the help of the "MyFitnessPal" I am trying to keep the calories under 1800 per day!

    Any thoughts, tips, or reprimands?

    Thanks, and congrats on getting yours under control!
  • What an inspiring story. I have been diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic and the doc put me on metformin. I put myself on a 1200 cal diet and am exercising 30 min/day alternating days between cardio and strength. My goal is to get off the meds. Thanks for sharing!
  • Jennifer11971
    Jennifer11971 Posts: 2 Member
    On fitness Pal is there where you can follow for type 2 like myself as well.....i didnt give me a choice to say i was a diabetic
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I reversed my diabetes!! It can be done-I'm truly excited about this. Type 2 diabetics have diabetes due to diet. If you cut out the bad carbs you will succeed! Look up the paleo diet, also there is plenty of research out there on this topic ;)

    Great! :) I believe Type2 is mainly down to diet and I'm hoping I can get the same result by taking down my fat levels!

    Currently on metformin and really want to get to a stage where I am not taking drugs to control my sugar levels.
    I am also on metformin. I am doing a low carb diet and now my glucose is normalizing. I check my sugar fasting and 2 hours post meal and it's been 80. Not going to be very long before I'm off it.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,874 Member

    I have successfully reversed my diabetes by losing weight. See link to Newcastle study above. I was advised to stop medicating a few months ago but will keep tracking hba1c.
  • blackmax78
    blackmax78 Posts: 28 Member
    diabetes is never reversed... it goes into remission until the conditions change that brought it to you in the first place... even in remission cancer survivors get checked regularly to make sure it doesn't come back...

    diabetics either can't make/don't make enough or can't use insulin
  • you and my doctor would get along very well
    he said once you are diabetic you are -- no going back :(

    earth shattering news to me last monday :(
    was on metaformin for week had one of the symptoms
    diarehea - so was told to go off it for a day or so
    i did that but that one day i felt soo sleepy -- i was told go back on it
    but 1/2 pill in am and pm -- i did that for 3days
    yesterday i felt i had to toss my cookies - feeling went away
    ate breakfaast drink water -- tea -- had lunch fullness in tummy
    wouldnt go away - seen dr -- took me off it completely

    now what is going to happen to me??
    eating 1200 cal a day -- 150 g carbs - 30 g sugar -(dr said dash diet - dietician disagreed she said impossible dr said 50 g carbs - she said 100 -150 ..
    got other issues going on ... along with high cholosteral, highbloodpressure -is up and down drops to normal 130/85 - then 159/90 .. .. gotta find a balance somehow

    my goal is to be off all meds - but i dont see that is likely though --
  • Have you talked with your doctor about other medications you can try? Also use the doctor's and dietitian's recommendations for meal planning and carbohydrate intake, and test your blood sugar to discover what works the best for you. There's a lot to learn, and you're making a really good start. ~Lynn /Glucerna