Hi MFP friends,

I need help, does anyone have any good tips or foods to eat during that "EAT EVERYTHING IN YOUR CUPBOARD"? phase? right before I start my appetite just doubles and it is really hard to not stuff my face!

Any tips would be greatly appreciated :embarassed:


  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    OMG if i had the answer to that i would be a millionaire! lets leave it like that :)

    but there is hope....
    aparently the craving usually last around 10/20 mins at a time so try to hold on for that long and see where it takes you...
  • harmonyhouse
    Don't keep any junk in the house. I recommend getting 100 calorie packs. Get the ones that match your food cravings (either chocolate or carbs)... that way when it comes, you are prepared and won't binge.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    100 calorie snacks, fruit, water and when I'm being REALLY disciplined, I'll walk for 20 minutes. If I still want the snack after that then I have a "snack" but I try not to gorge. Doesn't always work out but for the most part it keeps me from binging for an entire week! Good luck.:smile:
  • Aileth
    I agree with harmonyhouse. Don't keep any junk food in the house.

    I usually make some treats before that week, like mashed fruits with agar agar powder (making it like jello) or other fruity treats I can remember of that will be ok to munch on and since they're already made I won't go for the chocolate, chips, cake.
  • mama050709
    vita tops sugar free 90 calories feels like your eatting 2000000 calories... soooooo freaking GOOD!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I make a nut mix with rasins and cranberries. Raw almonds Peanuts, Sunflower seeded salted. I ususally on ly use one salted nut and the rest raw. the salt from the one is good mix and eat small handfuls. THis helps my sweet salty and crunchy need that I get. Oh and keep all the bad foods out then you wont be so inclined to eat them. Still make sure your not eating foods that cause cravings like added sugar,processed foods and or artifical sweetners and drinks with it in it. THat will make the craving so much worse
  • pineappleroo
    pineappleroo Posts: 47 Member
    air popped popcorn! I use becel spray butter on it, or butter flavored pam. then..... splenda, splenda and cinnamon, garlic powder, or any salt free spice. You won't miss the salt and it's not a lot of calories for a lot of popcorn.
  • clearwaterfin
    clearwaterfin Posts: 18 Member
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    great ideas ladies! i caved and bought poptarts this week and ate 2 yesterday. i am going to give the other 3 packs away to my sister so i won't be tempted anymore. i even bought the low fat ones but at 190 calories per pastry i think i will find thoses vita tops instead. hey, do any of you gain weight right before your tom? i just gained 1lb from yesterday and i am hoping it will go away. guys are so lucky, lol!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Maybe have some nuts in your house. Or keep sugar free pops.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    are nuts low calorie then??
    i used to have dried dates and apricots for a goody treat UNTILL i saw the cals in them! :(
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Trud72, many meal plans have almonds on them.