I'm In Pain!

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping some of you can help me because I'm just miserable!

I am interested in toning up, so I did a BEGINNERS (yes, a BEGINNERS) circuit training routine with 3 lb. weights for about a half hour on Monday. This routine involved several squats and lunges, and I'm in total pain right now, 36 hours later.

I understand that this is related to DOMS, and while I'm so totally disgusted with myself that I've let myself get so out of shape that I can't even do lunges and squats without putting myself into complete agony, I still want to keep my momentum going - meaning I want to work out again today.

#1 - Is there ANYTHING that anyone can recommend to ease this achy and extremely annoying pain????? And #2 - Should I even try to do this routine again today, or should I wait???? And finally, #3 - If I should hold off on this routine, is there something anyone can recommend that I can do in place of this routine? I don't have a lot of resources (e.g., I don't have access to a pool or a gym).

Thank you!!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Stretching, stretching and more stretching. Some ibuprofen might help also. But lots of stretching before and after your routine - maybe even more than you think.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I would personally do something else - a different kind of routine, or some yoga to try and get the DOMS stretched out. There are loads of exercise routines on YouTube that you can find for free. I quite like Intu-Flow for just getting things moving again.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Hot showers, ibuprofen & gentle stretching. Don't give up though, it does get better. The first week or 2 is always going to be the hardest. :flowerforyou:
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    Soreness is all part of it. You can take warm baths, or what I do is use muscle rub (I don't always have time to sit in a tub due to having a toddler). I would start off slower, don't force yourself to keep up with the people in the routine. From the sound of it, it doesn't sound like you injury, just sore muscles. Maybe take a few days off from doing it and just go for a walk. Good luck and hope your pain goes away soon.
  • when you have not exercised for a while and then go for it, you always end up in agony. Its because you are using muscles that you thought were hidden away. SO even though you are in agony (Im in the same situation as I only started back in the gym after a 6 week break) you need to do another session and I guarantee you the pain will ease off and go away. Dont give up, the exercise you have chosen is a great all over workout and will burn calories and tone you up. When you see the results you will be happy. When you get bored, moved onto something else but only when you have built up your fitness level. Keep at it, dont give in!!
  • I'm in my 4th week of KettleWorx, I purchased it on Amazon for £80 including postage, but it's 9 DVDs and a 5lb kettlebell. It's requests 20 minutes a day (approx) 3 times a week. Admittedly I ached after the first two discs, but it came with a handy wall planner which tells you which discs to do and on what day, allowing time for rest and recuperation. It works on toning while slimming (a combination per work of core, resistance and cardio), and I can say that I have noticed a difference in my measurements and shape already. An additional disc with the package is a dietary outline.

    If the pain you are suffering is only on movement, then your best bet would be to carry on with the exercises, the muscles will get used to being "abused" eventually. If you're hurting all the time though, you may need to give it a few more days and try again at a slower rate, only work to what you are comfortable with. Although the instructions tell you to do this and do that, you should only go at the pace you are comfortable with, as long as you're moving, you are doing something more than sitting around!! Ensure you've warmed up sufficiently and make sure you cool down properly!!

    Good luck :-)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Advil and a nice long walk for exercise. Then try to get back into the program you did that made you so sore in a day or two.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    This too shall pass...the body usually adjusts to the new conditions

    Stretching helps me (pre-workout and post-workout).

    Stay focused...don't give up. :smile:
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Hot showers, ibuprofen & gentle stretching. Don't give up though, it does get better. The first week or 2 is always going to be the hardest. :flowerforyou:

  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    do the routine again - it will loosen you up and help the pain you're in just now and it probably won't be as bad next time.

    DO NOT have a hot shower or bath afterwards - stick to warm.
  • bingefreeaubree
    bingefreeaubree Posts: 220 Member
    Good for you for beginning a circuit training program! I don't have much expertise in that to tell you whether or not you should stop, but I do P90X and have figured out some things that help my muscle soreness after a hard workout. 1) Epsom Salt Bath. There have been mixed studies on this but it always has helped me. And 2.) Ginger (Read here: http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/news/20100920/ginger-may-soothe-aching-muscles ) 3.) Make sure you drink plenty of water! Your muscle cells need water, so when it comes to recovery, dehydration is one of your biggest enemies. 4.) Invest in a foam roller to roll out your muscles. It's one of the best things I've ever bought. :smile:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    get a hot tub and sauna.,
    they work
  • Thanks everyone! :) I do appreciate the feedback!

    I think I will do the routine again this afternoon, but only AFTER I devote some serious time to STRETCHING. And I will only do what I can do...admittedly, I am someone who feels like I HAVE to keep up with the DVD...even when I probably scale it back to adjust to my fitness level. I also took some ibuprofen.

    Thanks again everyone! I will let you know how I feel tomorrow! :P