Elliptical users?

Any hardcore elliptical users out there? I have been doing two 45 minute workouts a day and feel much better! Add me!


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Elliptical is my workout of choice...i'm gradually making my way to 40 minutes straight. I also want to incorporate body weight exercises in daily too
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I love my elliptical - have one at home. My workouts are between 20 minutes and an hour depending on what else I do that day.
  • TammyP64
    TammyP64 Posts: 52 Member
    I use the elliptical every morning for 45 minutes! I love it
  • gabrielpm
    It's a lot less hard on knees and joints more broadly than trying to jog, especially at my weight. I focus more on weights but I do try to get 30 min of cardio in twice per week.
  • Reggielost
    Reggielost Posts: 13 Member
    Elliptical is the bomb. Not hard on your knees and burns up a lot of calories.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I was a huge fan of the elliptical but gave it up for running. Now that I can't run, I've tried to go back to the elliptical. I still like it, but my gym has something called a "Precor" machine...its an elliptical and stairmaster mushed into one and that KILLS ME.
    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes regardless of which cardio machine I'm on.
  • sandefitz
    Love the elliptical! I do it 3-4 times a week for 35 minutes or more. I suck at running but the elliptical is my friend!
  • lolapedia88
    lolapedia88 Posts: 178 Member
    I was a huge fan of the elliptical but gave it up for running. Now that I can't run, I've tried to go back to the elliptical. I still like it, but my gym has something called a "Precor" machine...its an elliptical and stairmaster mushed into one and that KILLS ME.
    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes regardless of which cardio machine I'm on.

    Oh I think my gym has the same thing. Does it have yellow accents? Oh man is that
    Thing hard!!!
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    I had knee surgery in February, so the elliptical and stationary bike are my machines of choice. I get bored easily, so I'll break my workout up; 20 minutes elliptical- 30+ minutes of weights- 15-20 minutes stationary bike. It seems to be what works best for me.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Love the elliptical! Very easy on my knees and I feel that it really gives my butt a nice shape.
  • GTAFrank
    GTAFrank Posts: 730 Member
    That's my go to exercise and part of my home gym setup. Love it! The treadmill was making a mess out of these old knees ..lol
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I use the same type of machine at my gym. It is so much easier on the knees and I feel it really works your glutes and hammies. I started out with the elliptical too but now I run, however I still get on it at least once a week. It is a great machine to use for cardio.
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    Here. Summers are too hot to jog or run outside for me so I've been on the elliptical about 30-60 mins a day/7 days a week. There have been a few times it was nice enough to go jogging and well, my knees weren't happy about that.
    I always read while I'm on it and I try to switch it up with sitting, standing, backwards and forwards. :) Reading really helps make the time go by much quicker.
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    I was a huge fan of the elliptical but gave it up for running. Now that I can't run, I've tried to go back to the elliptical. I still like it, but my gym has something called a "Precor" machine...its an elliptical and stairmaster mushed into one and that KILLS ME.
    I try to do a minimum of 30 minutes regardless of which cardio machine I'm on.

    Oh I think my gym has the same thing. Does it have yellow accents? Oh man is that
    Thing hard!!!

    I think it depends on the brand... mine looks like this precor-efx-576i.jpg and on the higher level settings it is ROUGH. But I feel it so much more on my thighs and bum than I did the elliptical so I love it. I wish I didnt ghet awful shin splints because running was doing wonderful things for my jiggly thighs, but this will do.
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    I do a combination of the arc trainer & elliptical for a 30-45 min workout...only because I start to dwell on the time when I'm on one machine too long, so I break it up. I actually sweat a little more when using the arc trainer, but burn about the same calories on both.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I use the elliptical for probably 80% - 90% of my cardio. I occasionally go for a jog through the park when I don't feel like being stuck in a gym, but it's harder on my shins and knees. I also burn more calories on the elliptical, since I do it at higher levels and get a really great resistance workout.

    I'm pressed for time usually, so 45 minutes is the max I go. Sometimes I can only get in 15 minute workouts. In that case, I increase the level even more and push as hard as I can the entire 15 minutes.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    I love the elliptical, so much easier on my knees and shins. I have one at home but mostly I use the one at the gym.