Suprise cruise and 30 lbs to loose! UGH!

So my hubby just surprised me with a cruise Oct 26th! I want to look my best for this but with running a daycare from 5am-5pm then running my own photography business in the evenings and workouts how the heck am I ever gonna work out and loose 30lbs for this trip! UGH! WISH ME LUCK! I'm going to walk everyday during nap time on the treadmill and try to throw little exercises in during the day!


  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    You don't HAVE to workout to lose weight. Eat under your calorie goal and you will lose weight.
  • airant
    airant Posts: 146 Member
    I get up everyday at 4:30 so I can do my workout. is hard but you can do it!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    So my hubby just surprised me with a cruise Oct 26th! I want to look my best for this but with running a daycare from 5am-5pm then running my own photography business in the evenings and workouts how the heck am I ever gonna work out and loose 30lbs for this trip! UGH! WISH ME LUCK! I'm going to walk everyday during nap time on the treadmill and try to throw little exercises in during the day!

    That is a pretty hefty goal in that amount of time and putting a pretty high expectation for yourself, as well as setting yourself up for disappointment. Eat at a deficit for weight loss and exercise for fitness. You probably are not going to reach that goal by that date, unless you do some type of drastic and unhealthy approach. Also, if you decide to do a drastic approach, whatever weight you lose will return as soon as you go back to a regular schedule.
  • chphotography
    chphotography Posts: 14 Member
    I know I won't meet my goal as that is a lot of weight! I don't see my pillow until at least midnight! But I'm going to dream and shoot for 30 lbs and see what happens. Hey if I loose 15 by then I will be sooo excited!
  • RunWinterGarden
    RunWinterGarden Posts: 428 Member
    if you can lose 15 pounds in 6 weeks that's damn impressive.
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    1. Congratulations on your cruise? Been on two so far and that is by far my favortie way to vacation. So much to see and do, so much free stuff every time you stop on shore. You didnt say where you were going but im sure you'll enjoy yourself.

    2. Start lifting some weights and watch your calories. You'll feel better about yourself while you lose some weight. So even if you dont reach 30lbs you'll still feel awsome.

    3. Its lose not loose, altho if you loose the weight, maybe it will just fall off? lol