Weight Loss Questions

Hello - just opened my diary, as terrifying is that is, because I don't understand....

I just recently looked at my diary and calculated that over the 1200 calories I'm "supposed to eat" daily to get a 1.5 lb per week loss, in two weeks I ate 1900-ish calories over that (so about 136 cal extra a day). That would mean on average I'm eating 1336 calories a day (average!). According to the fat 2 fit calculator, my BMR is either 1317 (Harris-Benedict) or 1195 (Katch-McArdle). As a moderately active person who does have a desk job (I run/jog several times a week and have just started doing some body resistance workouts as well as the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred), I should be able to eat the below for maintenance:

Activity Level Daily Calories
Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1538
Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1763
Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 1987

..which would put my 1436 a day still at a deficit, which would mean I SHOULD lose instead of gaining the three pounds I gained.

I do not have the best diet anymore, because I am tired of it all. I am tired of cooking and weighing and measuring and being super careful and denying myself my favorite foods and still gaining weight. I weighed 113-114 back in March and am now up to 123 with very few changes - except that I exercise more. It is not "muscle weight" - none of my clothes fit as they have only gotten tighter and tighter, and when I finally did my measurements after months of being afraid to, I found that my body fat would calculate to be 32%. My body fat at this time last year was 22%. So let me get this straight - running consistently and eating decent (not low, but decent) calories means more body fat? Wanting pizza for months but denying it to myself looks more and more like a stupid idea, as I seem to gain whether I eat it or not.

I'm told that I have to eat more calories or my body will go into "starvation mode" - it clearly knows it isn't starving, as over a quarter of it is fat already! Why is it telling me to store MORE fat, when I have plenty?? It's evidenced by how few of my pants fit anymore! I'm so confused. And the extra skin lopping out over my clothes tells me that I'm doing something very very wrong.

I had the biggest calorie intake day I've had all month a few weeks ago and it seems like I just can't recover from it. It's seemed to be a steady gain ever since. I only eat one fast food anymore, and that I eat about once a month, so it really shouldn't affect me so greatly ... should it?

What am I misunderstanding in my calculations? There has to be something I'm looking at wrong.


  • runfree78
    runfree78 Posts: 25 Member
    Ha, ok then! Guess no one else knows either!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    from the looks of things, you're not logging your exercise. So it makes it hard to say if you really are eating enough!

    also from a 'clean eating' pov, maybe switch the mac & cheese for food like homemade guacamole with carrots/celery sticks? avocado is full of good fats, very filling and satisfying. But I know that loads of people will disagree and go on about how it doesn't matter what you eat, blah blah blah.

    I'd say, set your mfp at sedentary and then make sure to log your exercise. Eat back your exercise calories. If you're still hungry after lunch (as per diary notes), eat more!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you're exercising more you'll need to eat more I'd guess. This is just my experience and yours may vary, but I didn't give up any of my favorite foods. If you want pizza find a way to fit it into your day. If prepared pizza is too hard to fit in make your own.
  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    I found that my body fat would calculate to be 32%. My body fat at this time last year was 22%. So let me get this straight - running consistently and eating decent (not low, but decent) calories means more body fat?

    Maybe with all the cardio exercise and such a low protein intake, you've lost muscle mass over the last year thus increasing your body fat %? Maybe lower your cardio and add in some heavy weight training to put on some muscle and speed up your metabolism.
  • If you aren't exercising, you're eating at about a 1.25lb/wk deficit rather than 1.5lb/wk. If you're doing about 60 minutes of cardio a week, you're probably back to about 1.5lb/week at that calorie intake.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member

    If you are using the Fat2Fit TDEE method - that's what I used - do not eat back your exercise calories, b/c if you determined your TDEE based on the appropriate activity level (lightly to moderate based on the info you provided), the calories you need to fuel your exercise is included in your TDEE.

    Depending on how much weight you want to lose, eat at a moderate (15-20%) deficit of your TDEE. If you have more that 50-60 lbs to lose, you can safely increase your deficit to 25%.

    Here are links to 2 great posts that really simplify the mechanics of weight loss and also provide some good insight to successful and sustained weight loss.



    Hopefully, after reading these 2 posts, you will have the answers to your questions. If not, PM me and I will help you if I can.
  • I just want to know how tall you are. 32% body fat at 123 pounds? Is that even POSSIBLE?
  • runfree78
    runfree78 Posts: 25 Member
    I log all my exercise. I see it when I look in there. I run 4-6 days a week (around 2-4 hours a week, depending on my week) and just started with body weight exercises and 30 day shred. I'm very confused, because I feel like I eat a lot of protein - at least 60 grams a day, but sometimes up to 100... is that not enough??

    I'm 5'2". When I put my measurements in the calculator, it said 32% body fat.

    I did read the "in place of a road map" post, but I think my TDEE would be 1660, which I definitely don't eat. If I'm gaining at an average of 1450 calories, which is by NO MEANS a starvation level, then I would be out of control at 1660.

    I actually busted a pair of my pants at work today. Busted them. I have gained that much weight that my zipper BUSTED. And I have done nothing different, nothing. I just keep gaining inches; and if I don't run for even one day, I jiggle hardcore when I run the next day, to the point that it's irritating and upsetting. I didn't run today - too exhausted - and I can already feel everything jiggling when I walk.

    My doctor doesn't think it's my thyroid - she thinks it's leftover from a medication I was on and told me to give it a few weeks. I'll be back to my old weight by then, and no longer leaving the house, if I continue gaining like this.
  • runfree78
    runfree78 Posts: 25 Member
    I just want to know how tall you are. 32% body fat at 123 pounds? Is that even POSSIBLE?

    I just looked at another calculator, and it said I was 27.8% body fat. So I'm not sure which is right.
  • runfree78
    runfree78 Posts: 25 Member
    I guess at this point all I can figure is that my metabolism is running too slow, and I can't possibly eat fewer calories without making myself miserable. It appears I am just going to gain and really have no choice, besides dropping to a very low calorie diet - which is not sustainable for me.

    I have now stayed at the same weight for several days (122.4), which has never happened before. Ever. So who knows what is going on. All I know is that I am going to eat whatever I want this weekend and go ahead and gain all the weight back. I'm tired of fighting myself.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    First...most of the body fat calculators on line are very inaccurate. Second, I agree with one of the posts that you are not getting enough protein, you should aim for 80 g per day. Third, incorporate some heavy lifting 2-3 times a week, it will help with your running and decrease your body fat percentage. Just my opinion. Don't give up!!!!!
  • Does anyone know how long it would take me to lose 12lbs
    Height: 5ft 5