Who knew? Flavored water

I have long been a skeptic of the "flavored water" trend but since I have sworn off diet soda (and sugary soda) I really need an alternative to coffee and tea, so I decided to give flavored unsweetened water a try.

The first one I tried was Hint Blackberry and I have to say it was delicious and satisfying. No sweeteners, no calories. Anyone else try this stuff? What's your favorite flavor / brand?


  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I haven't tried it yet, but saw a recipe for one that I am going ot make this weekend. I couldn't post the pic, but it looks really refresshing.
    1 cucumber
    1 lemon
    1 or 2 oranges
    2 limes
    1 bunch of mint

    Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz. water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink daily! This taste delicious, helps flush fat and counts toward your daily water intake!
    Lemons: Help in the absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down your cravings for sweets.
    Cucumber acts as a diuretic and flushes fat cells. It is alkalizing to the body (if you have an alkaline body, it is difficult for disease to thrive), and increases your energy levels.
    Limes promote a healthy digestive tract.
    Mint is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.
  • katorihanzo
    katorihanzo Posts: 234 Member
    I don't know much about the different brands, but like you I've always been skeptic. Even more so since the makers of Vitamin Water are being sued for false advertising, since they say in their commercials that it's good for you and in reality it has as much sugar as some sodas and has no actual benefits besides hydration (kinda like regular water). I know there are a bunch of new ones but I find them all really aspartame-y and avoid them.

    I make a gigantic jug of unsweetened iced tea every couple of days. A couple lemon slices and a few bags of my favourite fruity teas: peach ginger, raspberry mint, mulled apple. I drink way more of them than I do water, and they've got the extra nutrition of the antioxidants and citric acid (I've heard it's good for digestion?)
  • donrdon
    donrdon Posts: 216 Member
    I like them. A nice substitute to the soft drinks. The flavour's usually not over powering, it's a nice change. Aquafina raspberry is my go to flavour.
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I've not had store-bought flavored water, but I like flavoring my water. It's so delicious. <3 And it makes me feel good about myself while I drink it. ^^
  • MonkeyDoctor
    MonkeyDoctor Posts: 1 Member
    I love LaCroix. Favorite flavor is either Peach-Pear (which is more pear) or Coconut. I like to have the berry on hand to mix half and half with white wine when I want some wine with dinner and don't want to waste too many calories.
  • coffee_fiend
    coffee_fiend Posts: 49 Member
    Sparkling ICE!
    edit: because, unfortunately it *is* artificially sweetened.