Check-out my Diary. What am I doing wrong?

Please share some tips. This is week 2 of my journey. In the past, I've only lost weight by starving. This whole eating to lose is new to me.
I am starting to try and eat back my calories but I never (at least I don't think I do) net more than 1400 calories for the day.

I think i'm having too much sugar.

Check out my diary and share some tips.



  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    As long as you are active, the calories balance out. but watch out for the sugar in fruit. I suggest eat more veggies than fruit.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Don't worry about your macros, just stay in budget. Unless you have some specific goals the macros don't mean much and avoiding fruit because of sugar is just silly. If you want to cut out some processed foods with added sugars, great, but don't avoid fruit!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It just takes time. You're on week 2? Is that correct? If you are finally giving your body the food it needs, it can take 4-6 weeks. Just stick with it, be patient.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Your food looks great! Don't worry about fruit sugar, the fiber makes it super healthy.

    It took me about 4 weeks before I noticed any real weight loss, so give it some time. Take measurements and pictures to help you keep track of non-weight body changes too.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    I don't get the 1000 calories added at dinner. I don't see any protein carbs or fats with that?
    It reads like empty calories.

    Reading your diary you are under goal in carbs/fiber fat Protein

    I wouldn't worry about the sugar if it is coming in through whole wheat bread, Milk and fruits.

    There is two types of diets clean eating and macro
    But I say there is one type of diet quality of food consumed.

    There are plus and minuses for both of them
    The problem is not necessarily with IIFYM, but with the way this concept is often interpreted. When many people hear the term “if-it-fits-your-macros,” they take this literally and lose all semblance of common sense.

    Technically, you could live off of Pop Tarts, protein shakes, and fiber supplements and still hit your macros. This is not a great long-term strategy for your body composition or health.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    1. You definitely need to eat more!
    2. You're doing a ton of cardio - use an HRM to estimate calories burned (if possible) instead of using the machine or MFP totals.
    3. Eat back your exercise calories.
    4. Log your food as accurately as possible. Measure as well as you can (get a food scale if you don't have one) and don't use "quick add" - it won't help you see what you're doing right or wrong.
    5. Increase your protein.
    6. Consider adding strength training to your workouts.
  • nesijay
    dewgirl321: I think so. I need to do all of that.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    Personally I cook up rolled oats the 15 minute variety in one big batch then refrigerate the rest, pull my portion out each day ,I make moist with a dash of water and reheat in the micro.
    It saves a lot of money buying the oats from the bin and they are a good source of fiber and other nutrients.
    With the savings I upgrade my protein with fresh salmon or giant prawns.

    Also fresh fruits and vegetables are important at least 2 - 3 cups daily.

    Low fat yogurts and fresh fruit are great for desserts.

    I buy carbonated water and add fresh sqeezed juice to eat if I want a sugary drink.

    I prefer a clean diet, junk food free, it has saved me $$$ ridding the shopping cart of these. If I do want a cookie I make my own, then I control the amount of sugar/honey and ingredients that go into them. I can also freeze them.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Please share some tips. This is week 2 of my journey. In the past, I've only lost weight by starving. This whole eating to lose is new to me.
    I am starting to try and eat back my calories but I never (at least I don't think I do) net more than 1400 calories for the day.

    I think i'm having too much sugar.

    Check out my diary and share some tips.


    I would be more worried about the Subway sandwich at 1,055 mg of sodium.
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    The only thing I notice is not enough fruits and veggies with a few too many processed foods. I am not a clean eater, but I do notice when I eat more fruits and veggies and less processed, I feel better and I lose. It does take time though. Stick with it! You will get there!
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    I would be more worried about the Subway sandwich at 1,055 mg of sodium.

    Meh. I wouldn't:
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I, too, am not a big lover of salt-laden fast-food fare -- yet, she's not going way over her daily amount, so . . . there could be some water retention going on, though, and that can inhibit weight loss. I think the turkey is good and vegetables on it, but the bread is kind of a loss and that's most of the sandwich's calories. If she's lucky she's getting 2 oz. of meat.

    I noticed only about three days of your diary and a few mysterious "quick added calories" totaling 200 and 1,000. I don't know what those were, so I'm looking at the diary in the big picture.

    You need more protein. Yes, you ate peanut butter, but you need more protein than that. That means meat, eggs or cheese -- tofu or beans if you're a vegetarian. Like you need at least 3-4 ounces per meal. Add some vegetables, fruits or a side salad to at least one of those, two if possible.

    I don't know how your weight loss works, but I would curb a little of the snacky, processed carbs (cookies, crackers, etc.) for a week and see if it helps, too.

    So, essentially, add at least 300 calories a day, more proteins, fruits, veggies and salads. Please make your breakfast substantial!
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Looks fine to me, but be careful eating back calories, I never eat back more than 70% of my exercise calories because those estimations are very very inaccurate.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    KISS, Keep it Simple St##@$$, calories in, calories out. I would suggest that perhaps you are getting more credit than necessary for your eliptical training. As far as I went back that is all you do. As with anything your body will adapt and become more efficient. You need to shake up your exercise routine. Your calories are fine and unless you are trying to become a body builder or something like that i would not worry about the macros to much.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Please share some tips. This is week 2 of my journey. In the past, I've only lost weight by starving. This whole eating to lose is new to me.
    I am starting to try and eat back my calories but I never (at least I don't think I do) net more than 1400 calories for the day.

    I think i'm having too much sugar.

    Check out my diary and share some tips.


    Eat more protein, fruits and veggies. Don't quick add calories because it will not reflect in your macros. Eat back some of your exercise calories, but not all, since machines aren't always accurate. I tend to eat back 1/2 of mine when I can.

    Also with this only being Week 2 of your journey, be sure to recognize that it might take some tinkering to find a balance that's perfect for you. Good luck!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Please share some tips. This is week 2 of my journey. In the past, I've only lost weight by starving. This whole eating to lose is new to me.
    I am starting to try and eat back my calories but I never (at least I don't think I do) net more than 1400 calories for the day.

    I think i'm having too much sugar.

    Check out my diary and share some tips.


    It is difficult to tell someone what to eat unless they have a really awful diet, which you don't. However there are a few things that I would change in order to not be so hungry. I would eat eggs for breakfast, because their protein will tide you over for much longer than half a cup of granola ( which is very little volume ) at 270 calories. For the same amount of calories you could eat three whole eggs prepared any way you like with veggies or even cheese. Tuna, chicken or fish also make for good protein, as do rice and beans ( they make complete protein together ).
    In general, I would suggest for you to eat more protein and less carbs that come from flour ( not to lose weight, but to increase the quality of your diet ) and I would eat several portions of veggies and/or fruit a day. They are usually low(er) cal, but high volume and make you full and with that you won't feel so hungry. I pay no attention to sugar from fruit, but avoid any other " added " sugars.
    I cannot judge if 1400 calories are enough for you or not, but it is something you might want to check out. If 1400 calories are enough, you might want to make each one count by eating healthful food and not so much processed stuff ( again, more for the quality of your nutrition at a relatively low amount of calories) and if not, you get to eat more....either way you win.
    Since you seem to skip at least one meal each day, you might be interested in the 18:6 or 16:8 method of IF. If you are interested there is lots of material here in MFP, or you just google 18:6 and get info from the internet.
    Good Luck !
  • fultimers
    fultimers Posts: 153 Member
    It would be helpful to do some simple cooking--such as chicken breast, veggies, etc. If that's your little girl, she needs to learn how to eat "real" foods as well.

    Congrats for asking for help! The important thing is: Don't give up!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    I would just stick to it.

    I have been doing this for about 6 weeks. I gained 1.5lbs in the first 4 weeks. But the last 2 weeks...I've dropped 7 lbs. I think it took my body some time to figure out what was going on.

    I worried at the beginning that I was eating too much....or too little. I just persevered at tried to do my best to stick to my calorie goal and it eventually caught up!!!

    Good luck and don't get discouraged.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    IMHO at this stage of your journey just mind your calories and try to eat healthy good food that is filling but don't deprive yourself totally.

    As others has said you are 2 weeks in and you will see changes don't worry. But do get a scale for your food...when I did I started seeing my losses being more consitent.
  • Jasminna
    Jasminna Posts: 24 Member
    where is your green foods?
    Veggies? Fruit?
    Sugar is less caution when it comes from fruit but URs is coming from ur yogurt
    Maybe start comparing better choices for yogurt?
    Drink water n be active
    N did u skip dinner? Not a good idea
    Keep ur metabolism up all day
    Ur snacks spread out throughout the day?