Help - nothing is happenimng to the weight


I am trying to get fit with my wife. My wife is perplexed though. We are using MFP and we are sticking to the calorie count but my weight is coming off and although my wife has the same deficit as myself nothing is happening for her. We are -1000 cals per day so I would have though something would have happened for her now apart from starting to feel very frustrated her efforts are not doing anything at all apart from making her hungry. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated


  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
  • macresca
    macresca Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I don't really have an answer for you except to tell you that it's happened to me before! My husband and I decided to loose weight together about two years ago, and we did a really good job of counting calories and what not (hadn't found MFP yet.) We were following the exact same program from the exact same nutritionist. What ended up happening is my husband lost 50 pounds and I lost 5! I was sooo mad!!! I ended up giving up because I was so discouraged and jealous at my husbands weight loss. All I know is that it is often said that men loose weight easier than woman. I don't know if it's scientifically true, but it sure feels like it. I would tell your wife to keep with it, because I think it just takes longer to get going.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    That kind of deficit might be overshooting and counterproductive for her. Sometimes a smaller one can mean dropping more weight.
  • Is she tracking her inches as well? I notice sometimes I lose a lot of inches but the weight doesn't budge for a while and then the reverse happens.

    She might also play around when she eats certain types of foods. For example, I tend to do better when I eat most of my carbs in the morning or after my workout to help with recovery. If I eat them later in the day it seems like I get less results. If she is always hungry maybe she needs more nutritionally dense food. I know my husband can eat pasta and lose weight but I really need to focus on eating more protein if I want to see results.

    Does she feel better at all? If she just feels hungry, the previous poster might be right and it is too much of a drop and her body might be clinging to the extra weight for dear life.

    Guys do seem to lose faster. My husband always loses so much faster than I do. Cheats don't seem to hurt his results as much as they do mine. I just try to focus on our results separately. I am happy if he lost 4 lbs and I am happy if I lost 1. I just try not to compare the 4 to the 1.

    Hopefully, you will be able to find a solution!
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I think there's more information needed for folks here to be able to help. Your wife's height and weight as a start and her net calories and amount of exercise. As a start :) If she's not losing weight and she's feeling hungry, that sets off a bell in my head that something's "off" with what she's doing.
  • adamhp77
    adamhp77 Posts: 1 Member
    For starters, a 1000 daily caloric deficit is really high and somewhat unhealthy. You should be shooting to lose about 1-1.5 pounds per week, so around 500-750 would be the most you'd want to do. You don't mention how long you've been doing this, but if you've been doing this for a decent interval of time (1-2 months) and she's not losing any weight, either 1 of 2 things is happening. 1) You've miscalculated her BMR -- or MFP has -- or 2) she's not accurately tracking what she's eating. I find sometimes it's the latter not out of conscious deception, but out of miscalculation. I used to know someone who would eat tons of bubble gum and sugary breath mints all day at work and then wonder why they couldn't lose weight. So it could mean you just need to better track what you're eating, or it could be her BMR is lower than usual in which case she needs to cut her caloric intake. But given that you're 1000 Calories below BMR, I find this to be unlikely. She still should have lost *some* weight. I hope this helps and Good Luck!
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Thanks very much for all the advice. She feels more motivated and will look at what she eats and what her target is going to be. Th deficit is just what MFP has set for her but I know you can change this

    Thanks again guys