Baby Steps

jessicajm Posts: 60
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Anyone else here love the movie "What About Bob?" Well I'm feeling a lot like Bob lately.

My biggest revelation in my decision to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of this weight is this.... BABY STEPS. Changing everything drastically only sets me up for failure. Create new habits to replace old habits.... one or two at a time.
Thus far I have made it a habit to get in a Zumba workout Monday through Friday.
It's now a Habit for me to COOK meals.
Water has been a habit I really need to work on but I can say that I drank a Diet Pepsi for the first time in a month two nights ago and I practially had to force it down it was so sweet and sticky. (you're talking to a 2 or 3 20oz bottle drinker a day up till now.)

Old habits gone....... Waking up to get my boy off to school and coming home to lie down on the couch for a few hours.
Getting up to play for a bit with my son............. Taking a nap when he does. (no more)
Snacks.... horrible snacks..... Finishing my kids meals for them!!! <--- that's a baaaaaad one!
#1 old habit that's gone..... CONSTANTLY DOWNING MYSELF!!

All of this has happened over a period of about 4 weeks. Not over night. I haven't lost all kinds of weight but I have GAINED a new sense of self. I feel better when I wake up in the morning. I take joy in my children and husband again, and at the end of the day.... I have a list of things I did that didn't involve me sitting and eating. (If you've read my first and only (for now) blog entry you can see that I was on my way to baaad health issues)

MFP is teaching me to be mindful of what I eat. I don't know how to eat healthy other than to eat bland, plain foods. That's changing... thank GOD! I can't say that I have any wisdom or words of advice for others..... unless you're talking Zumba, God or self confidence and support issues. I am just thankful that I realize now at 32 years old and 234 pounds that I need a change instead of waiting till my doctor says change or die. So here we go....
Baby Steps to the kitchen...... baby steps to the cupboard....... baby steps get a glass...... baby steps to the sink..... baby steps turn on the water....... baby steps fill the cup............. baby steps take a sip............. DR MARVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. LEO MARVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You've cured me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


  • Baby steps is the best way to do it. Replacing old habits with new ones it what I did and it's taken me a year to lose almost 80 pounds, but wouldn't have had it any other way. The journey has been a great experience I wouldn't have changed for anything in the world. Watching myself change from not being able to run a block, to running 4 miles. Not being able to tie my shoes without taking a break to after I tie my shoes I go for a run. Not being able to touch my toes, to being able to. I have plenty more milestones I have yet to hit and all of them come from baby steps. Keep up the great work!
  • You go girl!

    Seriously - "baby steps, baby" is my motto. I've quit too many things, too many times to not have learned that you have to start small. Small changes add up to HUGE lifestyle changes.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You are on the right track. You described a lot of the same feelings I had when I started in April of 2009. I discovered MFP and made major changes from then to now, but in a series of smaller, manageable steps. I am not finished yet, but I did get a major payoff last weekend. I attended a family wedding, seeing people I hadn't seen in over 3 years, and since I now weigh less than I did when I got married about 20 years ago, I got plenty of positive comments.

    You CAN do this.

    One thing I wanted to comment on, from your blog. If you haven't had your blood pressure checked, I STRONGLY urge you to do so at once. If you have untreated high blood pressure, it can result in kidney damage, and even damage to your heart. I was on BP meds for about 10 years, but after losing my first 50 lbs., I was able to go off them.

    Good luck to you.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I started with exercise first. 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Then I joined MFP and started counting the calories. Yesterday I began the water - drinking the full 8. I only got to 6 yesterday, but considering I had only consumed about 3 before, that's good. I'm already at 4 for today. So yeah, baby steps. I'm trying to get vitamins in there, but they make me nauseous so I have to take them with lunch. I forget a lot.

    I've noticed I do have more energy. It's not like I'm bouncing off the walls - it's more of a sustained energy. I can do more longer in the evening. So instead of crashing on the couch at 7, I'm still folding laundry or doing dishes at 8. Which is important, since I'm a single mom, and it's too hard to get to everything when I'm exhausted at 7!

    Plus, my girls are noticing me eating heathier and taking better care of myself. They have started making better choices because of this. I want them to grow up with a positive body image, so I want to make sure they understand it's more about health, and less about food. If you eat healthy and exercise, you will LOOK and FEEL healthy.
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