
Hi MFP people! My name is Katie!

I'm - obviously - new here; as in, I've been using this site since Monday! If you're interested, I'll give everyone a little origins story!

I'm nineteen, I live in New Zealand, and am currently in my second year of study for my Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design. My focus is graphic design, so you can imagine how straining that can be! I don't really get any exercise, and to be honest, I've never been one for sport or fitness. I'm a pretty lazy person, really. I like reading, writing, the internet. And food, gosh do I love food. Combine that all together, it doesn't make for a very healthy lifestyle.

I'm 170cm (5'7"), and currently weigh 80kgs (176 lbs). I'm the type of person who isn't really bothered by my weight; how high the scales read doesn't really effect my day to day happiness, and I don't feel fat or unattractive. But I'm not healthy, I don't get a lot of exercise, and I know that if I continue on this path I will eventually dislike my body and I'm determined not to get to that point.

My goal weight is 70kgs (154 lbs), but more than that - I want to be fit and healthy.

I've lost weight in the past by going for walks and eating healthy foods, but twice now I've gone back to 80kgs. I'm suspicious that it's because I simply get tired of healthy food and go back to the indulgent ones. I'm terrible with portion control, and I'm hoping that by counting calories I'll be able to eat healthy, have my sneaky treats, while also maintaining a balanced diet (with the proper portions!)

On top of this, I'm going my very beautiful and slim mother and sister to the gym every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday/Sunday for hour+ workouts. I had my first session this Tuesday and it went great! I'm actually excited for tomorrow morning!

Sorry for that essay, haha! This is just to say hello to everyone out there on MFP! I've seen some amazing success stories and some beautiful people on here already from just scrolling through the forums, and I hope to meet some of you!!

xoxo Katie


    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Hello Katie and welcome! This site offers great tools to help you succeed in your journey toward better health. If you're patient and stick with it, you'll see results. Wishing you all the best!

  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! Keep your goals in mind, and your mind on your goals. Its ok to indulge, SOMETIMES. Just dont make it habit!
    Best of luck, this site is AWESOME!! I didnt use it to loose my weight, but it has been great in helping me maintain.
  • kuoco
    Thanks for the encouragement! It means a lot c: