i loose hope when i dont loose 30k in a day

I'm one of those people who gets full force on the bandwagon and falls off after about....3 days. Why? I get discourage as soon as I see that my weight hasn't dropped dramatically after one day of healthy living.

Anyone out there feel me? I know it takes time, I know because it took time for me to become this size. I used to weigh 52kilos. I ran everyday and I ate alot. But, I ate a lot of fruit and vegies mostly. I was super healthy.

Somewhere between working full time, moving out of home and getting engaged I piled on the weight, stopped exercising, got tired all the time and started eating crap, and much bigger portions than before.

this time I want to commit to 6 weeks. It almost makes me sad to say because I;ve been so dissapointed with myself for getting this far away from what I want that I keep going, as if it's too far to go back.

Here's how I plan to do it.
Im committing to 6 weeks as my first mini goal. When I can start buying clothes again.
12000 steps in a day. every day. thats my goal. 10000 is meant to be a great goal for loosing weight but I want to aim higher. My work is a 45 minute walk from my house. its 5000 steps each way. I have an office job so I don't move much during the day - If I don't walk, I don't get any exercise.
So I will walk to work and go for a walk at lunch. I will go to the gym 3 days a week for 45 minutes.
my daily calorie consumption will be 1200 calories.
I will make good choices when I go out. I don't really drink so not having alcoholic drinks for me is easy.
I will drink 8 glasses of water (again for me this is easy as I drink green tea constantly).I will aim for 8 hours of sleep a night and to be in bed by 10.30
If I have a blow out meal it will be the one meal, and not the whole day. I will NOT eat anything that equals my whole day consumption!!!
I will not have anything high in sugar, or in fat.
I will try to eat clean, foods made by me wherever possible.

I am working off weight for now because I know how much I weighed when I had my body I was happiest with but that being said, I do want to and need to tone up so I realise my weight goals may change.
SO start weight is 78kilos
Mini goal - 6 weeks goal weight 72 kilos
Ultimate goal weight 52kilos
height 161 cm

Please follow along, critisize, chat with, join me. I need the accountability and I would appreciate the support.


  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    I'm one of those people who gets full force on the bandwagon and falls off after about....3 days. Why? I get discourage as soon as I see that my weight hasn't dropped dramatically after one day of healthy living.

    OH yeah!! I know exactly what you are talking about. Weight loss takes patience. I was 22 when I had my first child and weight came off easier then. It's gotten harder as I've gotten older, so I've learned patience. Take it one day at a time, focus on your goals and try to be realistic with your expectations. It will happen and I'm certain it won't be as fast as you like, but it WILL happen.
  • wintershrink
    I almost felt like I had written your post, I used to weigh 52kg too (I'm 165cm), and got up to 61kg, which doesn't sound like a lot but made me feel so awful that I started saying no to social invitations, because I just didn't feel confident. Right now I'm 57kg, and i feel like this is my 473829789th time at 'starting again', it's so frustrating, and seriously, day 4 always gets me. I wake up after the first day and almost honestly expect a 5kg loss!
    What i've found helpful in the past (I once got to day 11! haha - pathetic, I know!) Is focusing on making food choices that make me feel good, and choosing quality, colourful food instead of dull, synthetic 'food' - even if it's lower in calories. That way I actually enjoy it, and I know that i'm loving myself by putting food in me that will make me stronger, happier, calmer and prettier!
    Also, i'm making this time different in that I won't let myself sit at home when i could be living. I may be 7kg heavier than I would like but people still enjoy my company, and I wasn't born to only worry and obsess about how much fat I have on my body. It's silly, really!
    I love seeing a number on the scale, and in a way it does keep me motivated, so i weigh every morning. But I think it's important to remember not to hold any expectations, and realistically - c'mon, it's pretty common sense that it is going to be a slow process!
    Still, I'd encourage you to enjoy the process, don't make it difficult or boring or tiring. It is the better way of living, and you know it when you feel so goooooood for eating proper food in the right way :)
  • Nicola1944
    Nicola1944 Posts: 348 Member
    Haha, I know what you mean.... Its taken me almost 3 years so far though! Some people do it super fast and some people do it over a lifetime!

    With the little plan you have put together above, I think you will start to see results fairly quickly!

    Good luck, Feel free to add me if you would like some extra support :-) I'm always looking for more and more!

  • yayjay
    yayjay Posts: 84 Member
    thanks for all the replies ladies! I did write it partly for a laugh (but it's the truth as well) Im glad Im not the only one out there who feels this way.

    Yesterday I had my first set back, I was on my lunch break on my way home to eat chicken and veg soup when my car broke down, i was stranded (in a 2 hour carpark) and mum came to the rescue because hubby was across the city at work. She was grabbing hungry jacks. I said no but as she went through the drive through I panciked and yelled OK ILL GET A JUNIOR WHOPPER MEAL!!!

    instead of not logging it like I normally would, because hey I ruined the day anyway right? Wrong. I logged it, and ended up throwing away the drink, and felt terrible after. (a good start).
    I went over yesterday, but Im back on board today. For me thats the good lesson, I made the mistake, I won't do it again. thank you for replying :)
  • wintershrink

    I went over yesterday, but Im back on board today. For me thats the good lesson, I made the mistake, I won't do it again.

    That's all it comes down to! Major props for throwing away the drink, logging it, and 'fessing up on here! that's huge! if it were me i'd order the whole flipping menu and never speak to the world again...okay, not that bad, but you know what i mean.
    Keep going girl! You're going to do great, and it's silly to expect perfection so what happened was totally normal and you handled it in the best way, X
  • Faery_Dust
    Faery_Dust Posts: 246 Member
    Personally I feel like that is a long list of things to do. I would recommend maybe halving that list. I found it best to start smaller initially. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I feel that setting up too many goals can make you feel like a failure if you don't hit them.

    Yesterday, you say you had a set back by having a fast food meal. If you logged it, and you were under your calories..... that is not a set back. That is a successful day!

    Yes it is better if we avoid fast food and get most of our calories from healthier stuff, but as I am sure you have heard a million times, you need to make lifestyle changes and giving yourself a big list to stick to will make yourself feel down if you don't stick to them.

    The most important are accurately logging your food, sticking with your calorie guidelines and getting a little exercise. Personally in your shoes I would be saying right for a whole month I will log every bit of food and drink that goes past my lips and aim to stick to my calorie goal for the whole months. And my fitness goal is to walk 12,000 steps a day for a month.

    At the end of the month if you stick to those you WILL have lost weight and you will feel amazingly successful because you stuck to your plan.

    Then for the following month introduce another plan such as 3 portions of fruit / veg a day and either increase your walking fitness goal or stick to 12.000 steps and say swim once a week.

    I've done the same as you in the past, I feel it has to be all or nothing. I have to have the perfect diet and be doing all kinds of exercises right from the start and that is the only thing that will work. But that isn't so. It's taken me a while to realise this.

    Hope I don't come accross as preaching, I'm not saying you are wrong to try this way, but know it isn't the only way, and making smaller changes that you can stick to and feel really successful might change the way you view your "diet", make it seem more achievable for you. Good luck x:flowerforyou: