Yes....I put on the dreaded University pounds!

After 4 years at Uni (drinking too much, junk food, stress eating, all-night study with pizza as a reward, not enough exercise) I have gained about a stone and a half (about 9.5 kilos) and am desperate to lose it. I am planning to follow the 5:2 and reducing calories to 1320 on 3 days a week, fasting Tuesday and Thursday (500 cals) and 2000 calories a day on weekends. That should put my daily average at around 1280, and gives me the flexibility to swap days around if have social events etc.

I'm also using the "Zombies, Run!" 5K training app on my phone every other day, as i love horror films and stories and find exercising dull, so this spices it up a bit!!

I Would love any comments/advice/feedback on my plans. I'm not really knowledgeable on all this stuff :)


  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    I too put on uni weight - the best thing I did was join a gym and get active, it was honestly the best thing. I didnt realise how little I did at uni - also being back at home, meant that I ate properly and had set meal times instead of snacking between revising and going out.
    I havent got the zombie app but I have read lots of people on here who have had it and they seem to love it. I have used the C2 5K app when I had an injury and thought that was good.
    Just take little steps but more routine and structure will help you no end :) Good luck xx
  • m_onamission
    m_onamission Posts: 25 Member
    I'm with you on this, I also gained about a stone and a half. I've half-arsed the weightloss regime for almost a year now (since I graduated), but I think I'm finally ready to take it seriously. I've been training - and ran - a 5k in July, but then haven't really done any exercise since. I'm back to swimming and running now, and might look into the Zombies 2 app. I'm also using a free workouts app that has 5-20 mins strength routines (mostly bodyweight or light weights, so push ups, planks, biceps curl etc), but haven't been very consistent with this.

    I'm mostly trying to get into a routine that doesn't allow me to slack off again. Looking to lose about 3-5kg until my birthday in December - friend me if you'd like some encouragement etc ;)
  • LauraElectric
    LauraElectric Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, thanks for your replies! Can you tell me the name of the strength training app? I have got some light weights but end up just sort of messing around rather than actually training.
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Try 30 day shred - I did it in May and loved it! Strange I know, but it was amazing to see how much stronger you can get and quickly.

    I am now doing T25 and go to the gym xx
  • LauraElectric
    LauraElectric Posts: 51 Member
    I've just ordered '30 Day Shred' and can't wait for it to arrive. Have also decided to make my food diary public for a while, I'm hoping that knowing EVERYONE can theoretically see EVERYTHING will keep me on track. I haven't started the 5:2 yet as just wanted a week to get used to the lower calories and exercise to see how it all fits into my routine. Will start properly from Monday. Feeling pretty good that the scales are showing 5lbs off since I last weighed in 2 weeks ago.

    Had a blowout on Friday night/early hours of Sat morning...I blame wine! But just got up, ran, cycled and ate especially clean and I really don't think it hurt too much, but hopefully having a public diary will curb that type of thing in the future!
  • QueenNandi
    Just to share my story.... I was quickly gainaing weight as a freshman but found my sexy back with 2 things....

    1. Lipo 6
    2. Turbo Jam

    for the first time I saw abs forming!