New to this

I'm new to this, does anyone have any tips? I've had 2 children in 2 years and ballooned to a size 24 from 1 16/18, im now hoping to loose it all by 2015 when i get married :D x


  • Hi ya I'm fairly new too! Started two weeks ago from tommorow(i weigh in on Tuesday mornings). First week lost 2.8 kgs by sticking to my calories. I have a fit bit so that helped calculate my exercise and bumped up my calories accordingly(i love knowing I can eat more through the day). I'm currently a size 16-18 and hoping to cut down to a fit size 12 in twelve months. I'm sticking to the calories meant for me (1200) and following what my partner Adam did who lost 25kgs over a twelve months. You'll do great and you'll certainly have bad days but push through! First week weight loss, I had a bad day and managed to still lose some!
  • I find it really hard to exercise with 2 kids at home and when i dont have them is becuase i work, i live in a village so walking with them is out of the question due to lack of pavements, i cant believe ive let me weight get so bad ;'( what do you do as exercise? x
  • vickyplum
    vickyplum Posts: 193 Member
    Hey gdSammy

    feel free to add me if you want some support I will always do my best
    to be there

    you are only 25 so makes things a little easier to get it off I was alot older
    when I started my journey

    Vicky xx
  • littledante
    littledante Posts: 85 Member
    I'm also fairly new and have set myself a long term goal of getting back to my original 9.5 stone. Am 12 stone (30 years old in a month).
    Thought I would try to look into the community here as it is hard to keep going when you dont know anyone who is trying to lose weight. All my sisters are very thin... groan :0)
  • My son is six and in school so I am pretty lucky plus I have taken a few months off working for the first time since I started working lol(started at 14 and now I'm 31) so now I have plenty of free time during school hours. After my son was born the only time that was good to workout was before the other half went to work, so I'd be up at 4.30am fitting in my workout before 6.30am which consisted of stretching, walking(where ever i could-treadmill or the streets or stairs at the nearest park) and weights which initially started off with just cans of food lol...i know weird but certainly did the job. Is there a park near you at all or a pool? You can use the kids as weights(but if they're like my son who NEVER sat still or easily distracted then that won't work lol). I just added you too as a friend! I put on weight after dealing with a thyroid issue 12 months ago and it's been the hardest year ever but I'm back on my feet and able to move around as per normal now. Can't wait till we reach our goals!