Gym Etiquette Rant

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but it seemed the best since I'm ranting about my gym.
So today I went in, did my 10 minute warm up cardio, then went to do weights, but it's busy. The area is approx. 20ft squared or so. Pitifully small. So I wait and go do stretches, push ups and some other machines while I wait. When a space became free I went and did my thing. Got through one set of each exercise, then halfway through my squats a guy just walks in front of me to get to the weights. I'll repeat the area is small and in the middle is the bench press, which someone was using. Instead of trying to wait for me (they huffed and puffed for a good 5 minutes while I was lifting) he almost ran into me and just stood in my way while he decided what type of bar he wanted to use!
*Insert expletives* The other guy who left to clear a spot for me came back and did the same thing, he was circuit training, dividing his time between free weights and machines. I don't usually mind, it's not illegal or wrong as long as there is room, but he just cut in front of me and started lifting!
What is wrong with these people? Am I just hopped up on my adrenaline or something? I will say school is back and they all look 16 so trying to bulk up and jump right in. They don't know what they're doing. I'm trying to improve my FORM and technique before I lift heavier and they just come in, no stretching or warm up and decide to lift heavy weights?! I don't care if they hurt themselves but don't piss me off and cut into my weight lifting time as you do it.
I do need a mirror to assess my form, not watch you stand there for 5 minutes like you're shoe shopping!
End rant!


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    Find a bigger, 18 and older gym. Can't control what other people do - unfortunately there are a lot of people out there who only care about themselves. Life's too short to get mad over stuff at the gym.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but it seemed the best since I'm ranting about my gym.
    So today I went in, did my 10 minute warm up cardio, then went to do weights, but it's busy. The area is approx. 20ft squared or so. Pitifully small. So I wait and go do stretches, push ups and some other machines while I wait. When a space became free I went and did my thing. Got through one set of each exercise, then halfway through my squats a guy just walks in front of me to get to the weights. I'll repeat the area is small and in the middle is the bench press, which someone was using. Instead of trying to wait for me (they huffed and puffed for a good 5 minutes while I was lifting) he almost ran into me and just stood in my way while he decided what type of bar he wanted to use!
    *Insert expletives* The other guy who left to clear a spot for me came back and did the same thing, he was circuit training, dividing his time between free weights and machines. I don't usually mind, it's not illegal or wrong as long as there is room, but he just cut in front of me and started lifting!
    What is wrong with these people? Am I just hopped up on my adrenaline or something? I will say school is back and they all look 16 so trying to bulk up and jump right in. They don't know what they're doing. I'm trying to improve my FORM and technique before I lift heavier and they just come in, no stretching or warm up and decide to lift heavy weights?! I don't care if they hurt themselves but don't piss me off and cut into my weight lifting time as you do it.
    I do need a mirror to assess my form, not watch you stand there for 5 minutes like you're shoe shopping!
    End rant!

    I don't stretch before I lift.....just throwing that out there.
  • magentamorbid
    magentamorbid Posts: 47 Member
    It wasn't just that, they were the typical boys being there and trying to look macho. I like to stretch before hand but my muscles are new to this so I'm overly cautious I guess. I was just so angry about it that every little thing annoyed me.
    Only reason I go to this gym is because it's the only one within walking distance. It's also connected to the school unfortunately. The nearest gym to me would be another £5 a month plus a daily bus ticket. :/
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Find a more expensive gym.

    As for a rant, 2/5. Just not enough fire.
  • magentamorbid
    magentamorbid Posts: 47 Member
    That's because I'm not allowed to swear :P
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I agree with the others--I think you're going to need to bite the bullet and join another gym, or find a way to cope with people walking/standing in front of you. Perhaps if you go at a different time your current place will be less busy? You might ask at the front desk for their least busy days/times.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    They might grow out of it the longer they lift. When I was really young, I thought people just looked in the mirrors to admire themselves. I didn't realize they were making sure their form was correct.

    In my gym, we all stagger ourselves in two or three rows. You might get some overlap, but you can mostly see yourself. It isn't discussed, people just figure it out and do it that way. Maybe if you try telling some of these young bucks that you need to see yourself to keep your form on point, they'll figure it out faster?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm confused... there were 2 of you doing circuits?

    Because circuits at peak hours is INSANELY rude.

    I also have a system for when it's busy- pick a bar up- move it to a corner- do my workout there and base my whole workout around that one exercise. I tend to find if I"m going to be there at "peak" hours... I change my workout to suit that rather than trying to cram a previously decided work into the limited availability. Like- I don't do squat/dead lift/clean/press on Monday at 6. I'm going to get yelled at for tying up the power rack for 1.5 hours. I just don't.

    I would also either find another gym.... or go when it isn't so crowded. I almost exclusively refuse to workout between 4-7 it's just WAY to busy at my gym... that being said- I hit up another gym closer to work- and turns out 430- great time to come work out- it doesn't start getting busy till closer to 6 and it's a much bigger gym- so it just never feels full.

    That and just say something- like- dude- do you mine- excuse me. I have no problem exerting my "right of way" when it comes to working out- but I tend to do a lot of jumping around sometimes annnnnnd yeah no issue telling people I'm using a space. You pay to use the space just the same as they do- so be a conscience gym user- but don't feel bad for defending your space.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    That happens to me when I'm doing wide rows at 80 lbs. Women w/ 5 lbs cross my path in the middle of set. Sometimes I think it is because I'm a 5 foot tall woman.

    I just had to say: "Look unless you want to be hurt you need to go around and avoid me. Because if I hit failure I will drop this 80 lbs bar. If your foot happens to be there you will get hurt. and FYI that goes for all the people that have heavy bars"

    Sorry folks... but people w/ the 5 lbs weight don't know what it feels like doing wide rows at that weight when you have already been lifting. I know i'm going to hated for writing that.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't stretch before lifting.

    My gym is crowded after work. But most of the people who go there are adults and know how to share and be courteous. Some people still try to do circuits during busy hours, but I will just use whatever they are not using in between their circuits. I get dirty looks but i'm usually done with my sets before they get back to it.

    I love my gym except for their pool not being big enough. 3 lanes just isn't enough.
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    I know this isn't the point of this thread, but you should never do static stretching prior to working out. Do a google search, but you can actually increase your chances for injury.

    The only warm up that is needed is doing sets with a lighter weight.
  • magentamorbid
    magentamorbid Posts: 47 Member
    I don't care about the stretching, it was just an example. I guess what I meant was they didn't do a warm up at all, such as cardio. And I don't do static stretches. I did sets of 10 push ups in between aerobic stretches, so moving from pose to another, based off Jillian Michaels' workouts. If it's not considered to be the proper way then I'll learn as time goes on. It was mainly to take up time while other guys were finishing with the weights. I hate people staring at me when I'm lifting and acting like I'm taking forever or like they have more of a right to be there just because I'm a woman. I don't like it so I shouldn't have to deal with it from other people.
    Hmm I guess my rant really comes down to all the lifters being guys and looking down on me (physically since I'm only 5'5'' lol)
    I didn't want to say anything since I hate confrontation, next time anyone does it I'll be sure to speak my mind. I've just started lifting this week so I am new, but I've done my research.
    As for a new gym?? The extra money and travel costs are too much for me at this point in time but I've been wanting to join a bigger and better gym. I do appreciate your advice, although this thread wasn't meant for it or to whine and expect sympathy. It was just a rant, I'm not used to lifting areas so I'm not sure how I should behave.
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    I don't care about the stretching, it was just an example. I guess what I meant was they didn't do a warm up at all, such as cardio. And I don't do static stretches. I did sets of 10 push ups in between aerobic stretches, so moving from pose to another, based off Jillian Michaels' workouts. If it's not considered to be the proper way then I'll learn as time goes on. It was mainly to take up time while other guys were finishing with the weights. I hate people staring at me when I'm lifting and acting like I'm taking forever or like they have more of a right to be there just because I'm a woman. I don't like it so I shouldn't have to deal with it from other people.
    Hmm I guess my rant really comes down to all the lifters being guys and looking down on me (physically since I'm only 5'5'' lol)
    I didn't want to say anything since I hate confrontation, next time anyone does it I'll be sure to speak my mind. I've just started lifting this week so I am new, but I've done my research.
    As for a new gym?? The extra money and travel costs are too much for me at this point in time but I've been wanting to join a bigger and better gym. I do appreciate your advice, although this thread wasn't meant for it or to whine and expect sympathy. It was just a rant, I'm not used to lifting areas so I'm not sure how I should behave.

    Being a long time gym rat, I will say that the "new guy" (or girl) will get pushed around a little at first. Regulars like to do their thing and sometimes get territorial, so they can be rude. (young guys like you mentioned are infamous for being idiots, though lol) I see it everyday, and if I'm not careful to remind myself that I was new once, too, I will do it. I get focused on my routine, my set, my form and kind of zone others out. I would be willing to bet these guys didn't hardly notice you there, so they weren't considerate of you. (probably didn't notice you waiting for your turn or whatever you were doing) I would recommend you be polite (if you plan on staying there) and getting along with other regulars, and simply bob your head into thier line of vision to get thier attention, then politely ask them to move, or whatever it is that you need from them. They will probably "snap out of it" and apologize for thier rudeness. From thier, thank them, smile and take the opportunity to introduce yourself next time you are at the water fountain with them. I hate to say it, but there is nothing worse than a chick with an entitled attitude rolling into the weight, experienced or whatever. I can't stand it and will run them off in two seconds. Not saying you are entitled, but if you responded to these guys in a rude way, or tried to "stand your ground", they would probably not recieve you so well, based on thier blurred perception of what you are doing. I hope this helps and good luck!!
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    That seriously sucks. I am so sorry that these people got in your way and threw a negative vibe all over your efforts. If it helps even a little though... :) I work in a gym and I can tell you, most guys don't need that much time to "decide on a weight" ;) LOL some of them just want someone to notice them.

    I hope they didn't ruin things too bad. You keep at it! It sounds like you give it your all! AND approach it at a healthy speed taking time to do things correctly! Good for you! I SO respect that! People have a bad habit of jumping in both feet first without testing the water let alone checking for sharks :( and it is how they get hurt.
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    LOL as long as we are ranting...I hate people who are all "you are never going to do any good going at it that way" oh well thank you stranger who's opinion I did NOT ask but I know what I am would seem better then you. Just because I approach things slow or differently then you (I damaged my knee recently and it isn't completely healed so sometimes I have to use a modified form) doesn't mean I am wrong!

    oh thank you that felt good lol
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    if you're "doing your thing" so close to the racks of weights that people have to wait for you to finish or squeeze in front of you to get to the dumbbells or plates, you're doing your thing in the wrong spot and you're the rude one, not the other person. yes, they should wait, but no, you should not be in a place that prevents other people from accessing the equipment.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Yeah, I think I'm going to need some clarification on this space. If you are doing your squats in the squat rack (which was never specified), there should be no way anyone could possibly be in there in your way, unless they are on the sides near the bar path, so I'm having a hard time visualizing the situation.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    ^^Zoe, I'm suspecting they were body weight squats or DB squats or some such, not barbell squats.

    And contrary to what one of the above posters said, I find the guys in the free weight area to be incredibly polite and friendly. Of course, I'm a 6'1" 230 lb black guy with huge arms and a shaved head, so YMMV. No, but seriously, when I've watched other guys at the gym interact with women, noobs, smaller lifters or whatever, I've found everyone to be extremely courteous. The trick is, almost no one LOOKS courteous and polite. Headphones on, aggressive music playing loudly, mind focused on defeated the iron, none of us looks like a Wal-Mart greeter. But if you ask someone for help, or space, or a spot, or how many sets they have left, they snap out of it and will answer you politely.

    I'm sure they are exceptions, but I've been in and around gyms for 20 years and this is what I've seen pretty much everywhere. I was once a skinny and weak 20 year old that knew nothin bout nothin and was intimidated by the big monsters in the gym too. Then I asked one of them a question and they basically stopped everything to help me. I've seen much more of that than of the rude stuff
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Hey OP--In the best of times--starting weight lifting is difficult to a lot of women because of situations like what you've experienced. My advice--when you're in the space, own the space. I have never been treated as you described in any gym--even in college when there was a 2 hour wait for a stairmaster ( ahhhh, the 90's!). I am sure that it is because the space is small, and because the guys are young and cocky. But don't be timid about being there--and if someone is seemingly rude--call them ( politely) on it! "Excuse me, I'm sure that you don't realize you just stepped into my set"...see what happens....if any misconduct ensues talk to management.

    When you can afford it--get to a bigger gym...and you keep on warming up and stretching however you want! You will find what works for you as you get more into lifting!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I am a firm believer in "helping" people learn gym etiquette. If they get in my way, I tell them that they are in my way.