A lousy dancer trying Zumba :-p Any tips?

belladonna82 Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all
I am a 28 year old girl and I have decided to try something new. Everyone seems to love Zumba, but I feel a bit insecure.
The reason is that I have problems coordinating arms and legs and moving in the right direction :-p I really feel stupid and useless when going to aerobics lessons, so I have avoided that for years.

What are your experiences with zumba? Is it a fun way to work out, or is it too complicated for people with two left feet? ;-)


  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    I am not a dancer at all, but I LOVE my Zumba class! Give it a go!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Give it a go! I have a dancing background, but it had been ages since I danced. Take it slow and don't worry about what you look like, you'll get the hang of it and have a blast quickly!
  • PPL say that they have regardless of the fact that they are a lousy dancer, it is fun. Personally, I am a lousy dancer and refuse to make a fool out of myself. I have a hard time with cardiokickboxing classes, but by the third or fourth class, I generally start to catch on. Have you considered cardio kick boxing, spinning classes, or kettleball classes. I love kettleball classes (they torch calories!)
  • ok...i don't "do" stuff in front of other people. in my ENTIRE 38 years, i've never been to a "dance". i have danced twice in pubic with my husband for a total of two slow dances.

    I LOVE ZUMBA! you get so caught up from the moment the music turns on in doing your best to follow the instructor(s), you literally forget about if anyone is watching, if anyone sees your hips moving, if anyone sees that you don't quite get that step. THEY are all too worried about following too! and when i can't get something down, i just do my own variation as most do.

    it is SUCH a blast! it is so empowering! it is great "girl time" too!

    please try. just go. go to the front of the class so you focus on the instructor and can see good enough. trust me! :wink:
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I refuse to do my aerobics when my husband is in the room, as I have a little too much "jigglage" for my taste. That being said, don't be afraid to try Zumba, just maybe do it with a DVD at home instead of a class, at least until you feel more comfortable with the moves. Don't let what you think you look like stop you! Everyone looked like that when they first started out!
  • The best thing about Zumba is you get to just laugh at yourself and your best friend if you have made her to join with you. Don't worry if you aren't able to keep up, forget the movements, or look plain silly doing it. You are still doing a great work-out, going to sweat, and having a great time with others. I will say my class actually would do the same dances for 8 weeks straight, so by the time the 3-4th class came alone... you felt much more comfortable doing it. I encourage you to continue and not to worry about how "goofy" you might look because I promise you there is at least one more person in the class looking even funnier!
  • hey im 24 and i just started zumba a few weeks ago.. i was really nervous at first bc i had no idea what i was getting my self into!! but i have to tell you that i absolutley LOVE it. i have no clue what the moves are but as long as your moving, you sweat soo much and an hour goes by so fast. in my expierence mostly no one knew all the moves they were just having fun and i was the youngest there.. it was awesome seeing 50+ yr old women dancing to "apple bottom jeans" !!! i hope you give it a try...good luck!
  • Lousy dancer here and I really enjoy Zumba. Remember you are not going to be in a room full of professional dancers. Everyone is of various fitness levels and just trying to incorporate a little fun with their exercise. My advice...just have fun. You'll soon figure out NO ONE is watching you--they are concentrating on working out the steps. I felt a little uncoordinated at first but after a few classes could for sure see a difference! Give it a chance and remember to laugh and have fun.
  • I'm hopeless too. Just try your best, keep moving and above all have some fun. You'll find most people are just like you
  • shannon0484
    shannon0484 Posts: 2 Member
    i love to dance, no pro experience though. I am far from being a shy person. 2 days ago I did my first zumba class. I wasnt able to keep up as I didnt know the moves very well, but I was sweating and having fun and thats all that matter. And no one in there is judging as they are all probably feeling the same way you feel. I very much enjoyed it. The time flew by because I was having fun. And once you're in there you're not likely to leave, so it sticks you to an hour of hardcore working out. I talked with the teacher afterwards and she said as your body gets used to moving that way it will be easier. I recommend that everyone try it.

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  • Im not great dancer but i love Zumba, and i dont care what i look like. I have so much fun and just try my best. No one else is looking at you b/c they are busy trying to keep up also. I bet your great at it. Just try to have fun!
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Go for it!! I don't particularly like doing things in public, but got the DVD set for home. The basics DVD really helps by showing you how to do most of the moves/steps.

    Then you can shake your booty in your living room!!

    That said, eventually, I do want to find a class so I can try it live.

    Best of luck!!
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    I love ZUMBA !! Due to a bad lower back, I can't shake my hips for diddly. But that doesn't stop me. JUST KEEPING MOVING!! And I agree, most people in the class are just like you.....they are either watching the instructor or watching themselves while concentrating on the moves.

    If your class is anything like mine, the instructor will do many of the same routines. SO eventually you'll know the routines by heart and be able to do them how you want them...more aerobic-y or more dance-y or both. You'll know when the routine is fast and when it slows down to catch your breath.

    My ZUMBA is more aerobic-y than dance-y. And I still have fun!



  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm not a great dancer either, but I love Zumba. Just have fun with it! "Dance like no one's watching" :laugh:
  • I LOVE Zumba! It is so much fun and trust me no one will notice if you are not doing the steps exactly right because they are all focused on doing it right themselves! My instructor always tells us, don't worry about doing it exactly right, just have fun and most importantly keep moving! Get a group of girls to go with you. If you don't like it, you don't have to go back.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Don't hold back!! It is a great way to meet people and get great exercise! Our instructor is awesome, she makes a point when there are new people in class to say the most important part is that we are moving... even if we are going in the wrong direction! Try it... and who knows? Maybe it will help with coordination? LOL
  • Wow, thanks for all the replies!
    You really make me feel that I have to give this a try, and that it's nothing to be afraid of.

    I have asked a friend to join me, so now I HAVE to go :-)

    Shake that *kitten*! :-D
  • Have Fun! Zumba is so much fun and can burn a ton of calories. My tip would be to keep moving, if you cant get a move do whatever you can and not get frustrated or stuck on it. As long as you keep moving and have fun the rest will come! From my experience the zumba classes tend to be filled with all levels of experience.
  • come back and tell us what you thought!
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    You need to order the DVDs. The Introduction is fairly thorogh, plus you can work at your own pace. I've had them since June and I like them a lot!
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