Protein Shakes

Hi. I have been having a protein shake in the morning because I feel like I won't get enough protein if I don't. However, that's 250 calories right there. Then I feel like I can't have a whole lot more in the morning, and the shake is kind of boring.

Do you use protein shakes? Why or why not?


  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I do. Mine are 250-300 calories. I use Syntrax Matrix powder and have perfect chocolate, mint cookie and vanilla. The mint one I just mix with milk since there's not much I could add to it without making it completely gross. To the chocolate and vanilla I'll use either milk or OJ as the liquid and will add a some other ingredient (or combo) frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries or frozen pineapple (to the vanilla), or PB2. I just mix and match flavor profiles that would go well together.
  • BIRD0
    BIRD0 Posts: 74 Member
    My favorite is about 350 calories, but it fills me up and kills my craving for sweets. It's made with 8 ice cubes, 0.5 cup milk (using 2% milk while too lazy to go to the store to get vanilla almond milk), 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1 scoop vanilla protein powder and 1 banana.
  • mickstereftb
    mickstereftb Posts: 17 Member
    They say on average 1g protein for every 1lb of weight so to up my protein on training days (I do the strong lifts 5 x 5), i take 2-3 shakes on those day, using milk to up the calorie count if i need to. I average 300 calories above my TDEE on training days.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I love protein shakes but the concentrated whey protein gives me horrible stomach aches.

    I'm in the process of looking for a whey isolate shake hoping that I won't get the same effects from that.

    That said, until I started having the problems, I had a shake, some walnuts and a banana for breakfast every day! Loved it... and miss it :(
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I just use the serving size of 1 scoop of the whey isolate low sugar mixed with water- it is less than 150 calories. I don't dress it up - just the protein. I would consider it a waste of calories to try and make it more like shake. For example the Dymatize banana is 106 calories for 25 grams of protein!
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    I use protein shakes more as a snack. I get viciously hungry between meals at work and can not eat. So I drink it. I have played with a few recipies amd found one I love and is only 180 cals. I do not use them as meal replacements though
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I just use the serving size of 1 scoop of the whey isolate low sugar mixed with water- it is less than 150 calories. I don't dress it up - just the protein. I would consider it a waste of calories to try and make it more like shake. For example the Dymatize banana is 106 calories for 25 grams of protein!

    I would make mine with 1 scoop of powder, 1 cup of almond milk and two ice cubes. Throw it all in the magic bullet and yum it up! So good!!!
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I love protein shakes! I eat one almost every day as meal replacement. It keeps me very full and revitalizes me after a hard workout. I use egg protein because my body is not a fan of dairy. I've also found it to be much smoother than whey protein. Chocolate flavor is my favorite! One scoop has ~120 calories and 20g protein. (The sodium is quite high but this is not something that I am currently worried about in my diet.) I mix it with ice, water or coffee, sometimes banana and peanut butter (currently loving PB2) if I am extra hungry. I try to keep the additions to a minimum to avoid extra calories.

    Try adding a scoop (or even half) to your oatmeal if you think a plain shake is boring. Or make pancakes with it! Chocolate protein powder mixed with coffee and ice tastes like a blended mocha... yum~ There are so many protein powder recipes out there on the internet.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I use protein shakes, but typically towards the end of the day if I need to balance things out. There is nothing wrong with them if you need a decent, cheap protein source that has a low calorie to protein ratio (calories/gram protein).

    I have recently started using phase 8 which is a blended protein instead of just whey. I love it. Plus, blends are typically cheaper than isolates, so win there too. Unless you are a hardcore athlete most people really don't need the super-quick absorption that a whey isolate provides - in fact, I suspect that a lot of it is wasted. A blend of whey and casein spreads the absorption rate a little and IMO provides a better source for the typical fitness routine.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    by the way, if you are getting bored with shakes, you can do a scoop of powder in a cup of greek yogurt to make a pudding of sorts. Eat as is or add fruit or cereal for variation. A cup of fat free chobani greek yogurt has 140 calories and about 24 g protein - very similar to the calories and protein in most powders, so it is about the equivalent calories and protein as 2 scoops of powder in water.

    Another thing I do is mix with unsweetened almond milk (30 cal/cup) and make ice cream out of it. You can also mix with cottage cheese (I like breakstone). You can blend the clottage cheese and make ice cream out of that too.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Sipping on a chocolate protein shake right now. Cuz frankly, am too lazy to cook lunch! I make it with Decadent Chocolate Milkshake, 8oz Mootopia & splenda. Its 254 cal, 29 gm carb, 37 gm Prot, 3 gm fat.

    Its sweet, chocolately, and delish! :glasses:
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    I supplement with whey protein, sometimes up to 3 scoops a day. But I also net 1800 calories. If you're finding 250 calories is too much at breakfast, you must be aiming for a significantly lower amount than I.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I have started using protein shakes again in the mornings.

    I usually have 1 banana, 2 scoops protein powder, 1/2 cup of fiber one cereal and 8oz of unsweetened almond milk (the extra protein kind)

    about 25g of protein, 21g of fiber for every shake.
    keeps me unhungry for about 3-4 hours
  • dennymac76
    dennymac76 Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried Visalus shakes? these are packed with all the nutrients your body needs.. and there is nothing boring about these shakes.. ive been using them for 6 days and not had the same shake twice yet!! ... join the 90 day challenge :)
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Where is a good place to buy Phase 8?

    I use protein shakes, but typically towards the end of the day if I need to balance things out. There is nothing wrong with them if you need a decent, cheap protein source that has a low calorie to protein ratio (calories/gram protein).

    I have recently started using phase 8 which is a blended protein instead of just whey. I love it. Plus, blends are typically cheaper than isolates, so win there too. Unless you are a hardcore athlete most people really don't need the super-quick absorption that a whey isolate provides - in fact, I suspect that a lot of it is wasted. A blend of whey and casein spreads the absorption rate a little and IMO provides a better source for the typical fitness routine.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I drink the GNC Lean 25 protein shakes...usually as a snack in the morning / afternoon.

    I hear that protein shakes make great pancakes. :happy:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I use a scoop of Cytosport Whey Isolate either vanilla or chocolate with some frozen fruit... Stick it in the Vitamix... Post workout while I take a walk around the neighborhood with the wife and son. Works for a nice dessert in the evening and it does help to balance out the macros at the end of the day.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Where is a good place to buy Phase 8? has them for buy 1 get one free a lot of times. Right now they have buy a 4.4 lb and get a 2 lb free. Still a decent deal.
  • I have about 1/2 a scoop of whey vanilla protein (body fortress) in the morning combined with

    1/4 cup oats, 4 strawberries sliced up, about 1 Tbsp of almond, walnut, and pecans.

    It's delish! Since I don't really like having shakes! :)
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I use protein (ON Nutrition Gold Standard), but only if I'm short for the day. It's either the last thing in my diary or I preplan to see if I'm going to need it. My protein goal is at 225g, and I can usually hit near that with just food. But I have Detour protein bars or poweder in case I need some extra.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I should try putting oatmeal in my shakes, I guess.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I do, yes. They are convenient and without one I generally struggle to hit my protein goal.

  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I use Shakeology; the scoop of mix (vanilla) is 130 calories and there are lots of different recipes you can use to play with the calorie count. Like they will be lower if you add fresh fruits, and more if you add things like nut butters or oats; stuff like that. There are SO many shake options out there, it can be kind of overwhelming to find one that you like and that works for you.

    edit - I will add that I cannot drink the stuff just plain. I always have to add things to it otherwise it tastes straight up awful, lol. But with added foods it is good.

    I also like to use ShakeO or other protein mixes to make pancakes. Kind of a fun way to eat it! Although definitely higher calorie :)
  • holagatita
    holagatita Posts: 1,785 Member
    I use mine as an extra meal. It's only about 160cals. I have a good breakfast then oatmeal for lunch a shake 3 hours later and dinner pretty late. Its good because im never really hungry.