Walking the dog



  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Light cleaning in a sexy maid outfit = 200 calories
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    YIKES. Is it horrible to say that I am really really really glad that we are NOT friends on here??? Cuz, if it is... guess I'm pretty horrible. :huh:
  • SweetJoanne
    SweetJoanne Posts: 106 Member
    i very much disagree with you walking the dog for 10 minutes does burn calories, it is better than sitting down and not walking the dog
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I guess OP just doesn't have a dog - she can borrow mine. But hang on, she is notably absent from the posts......
  • mandasalem
    mandasalem Posts: 346 Member
    I totally understand your rage! I can't stand seeing people post stuff about how they burned 200 calories lifting weights, or 322 calories on the elliptical. People, you're not here to get off your butt and move more, you're here to lose weight! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,782 Member
    I walk my dog 2-3 miles a day, both morning and night. On a good day, I can burn up to 800-1000 calories. Damn right I'm logging it and I'm eating it!!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're actually supposed to eat your exercise calories back. And she might actually be burning a lot more than 30 calories if she's going fast enough in 10 minutes.

    Eating less than calories burned doesn't mean you don't eat back your exercise calories, it means you eat less calories than you burn in the whole day. That means eating less than your TDEE. MFP already includes a deficit in your calorie goal so that you will accomplish this even when you eat back your exercise calories. In fact, if you don't eat your exercise calories back, you may do more harm than good.

    Do a little research before you judge what other people do.

    no- you are only supposed to eat it back if you aren't accounting for it already.

    I log certain amounts of walking- where I'm specifically WALKING- like- amusement park- or I'm walking to walk after a big meal (mostly to make me feel better LOL) or where I'm walking for work to review a street/project. But walking in the mall to go shopping? no I don't log that- but I am set at sedentary- if I was set at light/mod activity- I wouldn't log it.

    You only eat back if you aren't accounting for it already.
  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    What I don't understand is why some ppl are having a hissy fit over what other ppl choose to log? Why does it both you so much that you have to make a post about it? Seriously...
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I think your rant burned at least 7.2 calories, OP. :drinker: WTG!
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I log walks that are greater than 10 minutes or outside my normal routine. So longer dog walks, walking to the grocery store, walking to work, walking to yoga class, walking to a museum, those all get logged. They add up over the course of a day, and I don't think I should be ignoring 60-90 minutes of physical activity just because it isn't formal exercise.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    actually, every little bit of exercise *does* count.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Um....sorry, I disagree. At least about the walking. MFP fills in the 'walking to dog' part at a pace of 3.0mph. Its to give an idea of your pace, not that you are actually walking a dog. I don't have a dog but I've walked off 76lbs at that pace.

    That being said, it is possible the calories are being overestimated and with your 'friend' eating back the exercise calories, it could explain why there is no weight loss for that person. On the other hand, why are you so upset about it? Is she trying to steal your dog to walk it?
  • I agree with what most people are saying here...why are you concerned about somebody's else's exercise post, stop being Judy McJudgernaut, you are mean to have said anything at all and I also log my dog walks. If I want to count a 5 minute exercise then I will.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    Research shows that people who have a good relationship with their dogs tend to have a better relationship with everyone in their lives and tend to have lower body fat overall than those who have no dogs in their life.
  • Or if they're morbidly obese and walking to the end of the driveway was a feat, then walking the dog for 10 minutes is amazing. I know when I started, I walked for 15 minutes and didn't think i would make it back home. You just completely ruined someone's self esteem by posting this bullsh!t. Congratulations, you're the "mean girl" in highschool.

  • branson101
    branson101 Posts: 173 Member
    Or if they're morbidly obese and walking to the end of the driveway was a feat, then walking the dog for 10 minutes is amazing. I know when I started, I walked for 15 minutes and didn't think i would make it back home. You just completely ruined someone's self esteem by posting this bullsh!t. Congratulations, you're the "mean girl" in highschool.

    this. so this~

    op-please forgive me for having medical issues that prevent me from running marathons, jumping around, and doing many other officially recognized exercises. I am under doctors orders to keep myself to certain activities...but apparently you know more about my situation than I do. again, forgive me for doing what is physically allowable for my body.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    I personally don't log "slow" walks, cleaning or things like that. However, people are at different levels. I always say something is better than nothing.

    I don't have a dog, can I log walking my pet rock?! Wish I had a cute doggy, but I'm never home.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Eating 30 "extra" calories wouldn't put you over maintenance anyways....

    ETA: And as others have mentioned, if your settings are set to a "sedentary" lifestyle, you can definitely log walking as exercise.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Only read OP, but I'm going to go with....

    You guys are bullies, she was just trying to vent about other people logging their calories. She even said it was a RANT!!!!

    smh, if this wasn't the internet you would be a lot more civil.
  • I easily burn 200 calories walking the dog for 30 minutes. Living in Colorado dog walking in my area involves hills. At least according to my heart monitor watch.

    i log all my walks.. my dog can't go with me anymore but i still go and log it all with my runkeeper... nice way to ruin someone's self esteem
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well...one thing is not everyone who logs, "Walking 3.0 mph, walking dog" is walking a dog. It's the only option for 3.0 mph. I used that one about 100 times before I actually did get a dog in May...and honestly I probably burn 200 calories in 10 minutes of walking him trying to wrangle his wiggly body around the neighborhood.

    So...why are you SO mad? Because someone else got to eat more than you today because they walked their dog for 10 minutes?
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Then you must really dislike me. I wear a bodymedia armband that tracks my activity level & calories burned all day long. Including walking the dog for 10 minutes or less and such mundane tasks as doing laundry & washing dishes. It's ridiculous to think that any kind of activity really does burn more calories than sitting on the couch. I suppose I really need to reconsider this-I'll never lose weight if I keep going like this.

    PS-walking my 100 lb demon spawn puppy is actually a pretty decent full body workout. She's just freaking nuts.

    Hey, if this is about you, my hat is off to you, 79lbs lost is nothing to laugh at. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

    BTW, I'm walking two of my dogs for them this afternoon but I'll be wearing my HRM and logging it too!
  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    Most people would be appalled if small calorie snacks weren't logged. I saw someone post about not logging vegetables because they are so low in calories and there were 10 pages of people telling her how dumb she is not to track EVERYTHING. And it's true. So why shouldn't the same go for exercise? 30 calories is 30 calories! It counts! Especially for someone who is set at sedentary.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Because I view dog walking as N.E.A.T., I generally find myself in the "let some mechanical device measure your activity for you" camp. Especially if the walk is for the dog's benefit and you're stuck changing pace to suit their activities (as opposed to taking them on an exercise run where you dictate the pace). As with many here, my dog (a Shepherd / Saint Bernard mix) has a lot of pull in both the literal and figurative sense. If she wants to move, she pulls, if she wants to investigate a smell, she turns into an anchor. So it seems to make more sense to use a pedomiter or HRM to measure the activity, rather than having to guess based on total time and distance.

    I tend to reserve exercise entries for activities where I'm focused on the exercise aspect. But that's just my personal approach.

  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Well, it also looks like someone is walking the dog because they log their walk at that pace. Yeah, 10 minutes isn't much of a workout, but that added to maybe aerobics can burn that last little bit off if they went a little bit over their calories after dinner or something.
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    My dog has two speeds: Amble and Full Sprint. I don't log the former because it's no extra effort on my part compared to what I normally do.
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    Ya that and cleaning. lol!
    Although I did do the cleaning one a couple times before I learned about TDEE and that the cleaning, the vacuming and walking the dog is part of my TDEE.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I personally don't log "slow" walks, cleaning or things like that. However, people are at different levels. I always say something is better than nothing.

    I don't have a dog, can I log walking my pet rock?! Wish I had a cute doggy, but I'm never home.

    Well, depending on how big your pet rock is, and how fast you walk it, that could be a pretty intense workout! :laugh:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have to rant!!! Walking the dog for 10 min. and "burning" 30 calories is NOT exercise!!!! I am so sick of seeing that and then the person "eats" their "workout" calories back. Then she wonders why she is not losing! Probably because you are eating above your macro goals.

    Eating doesn't make you gain but eating above calories "burned" does!!! DUH

    OK-I'm done. :drinker:

    So ... this person burns 30 calories, then eats 30 calories and this causes weight gain? :huh:
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