Has anyone out there reached their fitness goals just by doing yoga? if so how long and any tips or ideas for videos or anything to learn from?


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Depends what your fitness goals are. While I'm a big fan, I don't think you can get any cardio from yoga - and will have a difficult time losing weight from yoga's calorie burn. However, the mindfulness aspect will help you with food control.

    If it's your primary means of exercise, expect to spend a long time doing it - 2 hours a day or more (or you could cut that in half by adding a 30 min brisk walk). I would suggest you find a class you like, stay committed for awhile, then find a video for the other days. It is easier to find a video you like after finding a class that suits you. You will know what to look for, or ask the teacher. All that said, Rodney Yee has some great videos.

    Best of luck.
  • adrienc
    Power Yoga is my favorite thing - I do one hour each morning on a daily basis, and yes it helped to tone up my body.
    I burn an average of 450 cal on each workout.
    I've tried Ashtanga yoga as well, but Power Yoga is a little more fast-paced and I like it better.
    I never did Bikram Yoga, but I've heard it's the most intense workout you can get through yoga.
    Depending on your body condition, you can burn between 700 to 1,200 kcal per session.
    It's done in a special heated room (110 F) w/ 40% humidity

    "Rodney Yee Power Yoga Total Body Workout" and "Bryan Kest Power Yoga 1,2,3 "are among the best videos out there for practicing Power Yoga at home.

    Make sure you know your poses beforehand as some of them featured in those videos are not suited for total beginners.
    If you're totally new to yoga, then the best is to attend some classes to a studio nearby, and to try different yoga styles in order to find out which you is the best for you.

    Strength and Flexibility are great by-products you will get when practicing yoga regularly.. but the best is the relaxed and energized feeling you're getting after every session. No other workout gives you that
