Rest week and lifting...

When you go back to lifting after a rest week do you start where you left off or should you deload some?


  • Rambo529
    Rambo529 Posts: 170 Member
    I do a deload week as a "rest" week. Usually after 3 or 4 weeks I'll deload, then I can work back up. It's never right back at where I left off, but it isn't that far off (usually around 80% - 85% of max prior to deload). I find it helped me progress faster and better by doing deload weeks.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member

    I'm doing 5/3/1 and doing the deload every 6 weeks. One whole week, lifting just 60% of what I normally would. Otherwise the routine stays the same.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I do a deload week as a "rest" week. Usually after 3 or 4 weeks I'll deload, then I can work back up. It's never right back at where I left off, but it isn't that far off (usually around 80% - 85% of max prior to deload). I find it helped me progress faster and better by doing deload weeks.

    sounds about right to me.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I do a deload week as a "rest" week. Usually after 3 or 4 weeks I'll deload, then I can work back up. It's never right back at where I left off, but it isn't that far off (usually around 80% - 85% of max prior to deload). I find it helped me progress faster and better by doing deload weeks.


    but wendler has two approaches when coming back after some missed time. either just pick up where you left off, or take some time and ease into it by going at lighter weight. it's not worth risking injury.

    if it's just a week, i think you'll be okay picking up right where you left off.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Pick up right back where you left off.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    quick note: reducing the intensity of a workout doesn't necessarily mean reducing weight. i mean, maybe it does if you're on a specific program like 5/3/1 or whatever, but for me, if I was benching 275x10 before, when i come back i might do 275x8 or something along those lines. or maybe i have to cut out a set at the end. or maybe i increase my rest times. obv if the 275 feels too heavy then 245-255 might be the order of the day. it sort of depends on how you feel after you warmup. also depends on if i took the rest week because it was just a particular date on a calendar or because i felt draggy and really needed it.

    there's more than one way to do this thing.
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    I decided on taking a rest week because I haven't taken any time off in a long time and I was starting to feel really run down, really sore muscles, weights starting to feel really heavy, and just all around blah. Hoping that I'll feel a little more rejuvenated and motivated when I go back. I'm thinking I'll just do a small deload and work myself back up. :smile: