Biking TMI Question

Okay folks, I know that this is more than most of you probably want to know about me, but what do I do about my bike seat seriously molesting me? I just got a new bike this summer, and after not riding a bike consistently for 20+ years, I figured the initial pain was just that...initial. However, I have built up my endurance and have logged serious miles on my bike this summer. Nevertheless, my private parts just feel bruised and abused. Is it a problem with my seat? Do I need to try one that has more cushion or isn't as narrow? I'm at a loss on what to do. I feel like I hobble the day after long rides because of the pain. I know it isn't normal, so how do I fix it?


  • Get a better seat or a pair of bike shorts with a cushioned bum
  • As counterintuitive as it seems, plushy and wide is bad at least for road bike riding. I'm not sure which kind of bike you are talking about, but on a road bike you need to be sitting and putting pressure on your sit bones. For this to be achieve, you want usually thin and hard. You also probably need good bike shorts when starting off and maybe even chamosis cream. Some women do like having cutouts in their seats also to relieve some pressure points.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    dbl check that your seat height and angle is set properly. A good bike shop should help with that. Most of the time the seat is set improperly and a simple adjustment is needed.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    As counterintuitive as it seems, plushy and wide is bad at least for road bike riding. I'm not sure which kind of bike you are talking about, but on a road bike you need to be sitting and putting pressure on your sit bones. For this to be achieve, you want usually thin and hard. You also probably need good bike shorts when starting off and maybe even chamosis cream. Some women do like having cutouts in their seats also to relieve some pressure points.

    ^^^^ It really does depend on what type of riding you are doing. You want to get the right saddle for the right bike. I thought you could never go wrong with soft and cushy but that isn't the case! How you sit, your posture and shape of the seat is more important. Go to a bike specialty store and talk to them about it. Trust me, I'm sure they have heard it all so I wouldn't worry about TMI. Good luck

    OH and CWSIKES - Do you really have a pet hedgehog??
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Photos would help!! :smile:

    Serious answer - good cycling shorts and a new saddle.
    Saddle fit starts with getting measured or trial and error.

    I bought a saddle based on a magazine review rating it as "most comfortable" but in reality it was like medieval torture for me...

    The other thing to consider is your position on the bike, just a few inches out or wrong seat angle can be the difference between pain & pleasure. A good bike shop should be able to help.
  • rijhip
    rijhip Posts: 10 Member
    My wife & sister-in-law use a Fizik Vesta women's specific saddle. Second what the guy said about shorts and rider position.
  • lavonnelrausch
    lavonnelrausch Posts: 8 Member
    Several people have already said this but bike shorts made all the difference in the world to me this summer. I have taken spin classes for a long time so I was used to some pain. But experienced very much the same thing that you mentioned. Got bike shorts and it changed my whole view. Good luck
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am a male, so my situation may be slightly different. But riding used to make me really numb. I got some biking shorts, with padding, and I lowered my seat a bit. You might want to try lowing the seat, first. When you have to reach too far for the pedals it can be really hard on the private parts.
  • I will X1000000 to getting the right saddle and the right shorts. The combination is different for everyone and when you find the right combination it makes all the difference!