grocery shopping

i just went grocery shopping yesterday and i was looking at the nutrition facts on everything (first time i have ever done that). before i went on a diet i didnt really care, i got whatever looked good, but know i was looking and it supprised me how many calories are in the foods that i like and eat everyday. i never would of thought untill now, i always figured that ide be ok... well now i know i was wrong. its just amazing how much you pay attention to everything you buy when your on a diet.


  • LisaGamerGirl
    for sure! a lot of people turn a blind eye to that kind of stuff. "what i don't know won't hurt me"
    that's why it's so good to fill up on fresh produce that is low cal and high in all the good stuff ;)
  • Grocery shopping is awful.....I hate how everything that is actually good for you is double the price of junk food. Guess its cheaper to be
  • cnash81
    I know, right. These days a trip to the store will take 3 times the amout of time it used to because I read all the labels now. I figure I'm losing time, but gaining so much more (except for more weight). BTW, your baby is so stinkin cute!!! I just love squishy, chubby baby cheeks!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Grocery shopping is awful.....I hate how everything that is actually good for you is double the price of junk food. Guess its cheaper to be

    You are so right!!!
  • LisaGamerGirl
    they should really keep taxing the hell outta junk foods... you wanna hurt your waistline? your health? hurt your wallet more too...
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    thats because they subsidize the junk and not the good stuff. so the government is paying to make us fat
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    I know, right. These days a trip to the store will take 3 times the amout of time it used to because I read all the labels now. I figure I'm losing time, but gaining so much more (except for more weight). BTW, your baby is so stinkin cute!!! I just love squishy, chubby baby cheeks!

    well whats better time or better weight. ill take all the time i need. now if you get the samething over then it wont take to long at all cause you already know what you are getting and where it is.

    thank you, he is our little chunky monkey.
  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    thats because they subsidize the junk and not the good stuff. so the government is paying to make us fat

    and then the government complains that everyone in america is obese, and wander why... gee let me guess...
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    A good rule of thumb if you want to avoid the nutritional labels all together is avoid packaged items. Buy lots of produce, lean meat and some high fiber cereal and brown rice. Now that’s only 2 boxes to look at - avoid the rest 'cause things like granola bars and such are so processed and things like 100-cal snack packs just give you a taste to want more.

    You’ll also find when you eat healthy it costs next to nothing grocery shopping. I spend about $150 a month for myself and my husband and we go out to eat maximum 1x month (<$40 additional). That $150 also includes A LOT of diet pepsi (he loves it, I drink less than 1 a day).