Loosing while not exercising?


Anyone had any sucess losing weight with just diet and not exercising?

I can't seem to find the time lately to do any excercise but need to lose 7 kilos.


  • Fench9
    To be honest, i think everyone can find time to exercise if they really want to. On days when i'm super tight for time, i just do a 20 minute HIIT training session and it makes me feel great. Short, sharp and hard and can fit it in at anytime.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if you decrease your normal calorie intake, you'll drop a few pounds. But, then, you'll probably have to start exercising to continue to lose weight. Maybe then, you'll be motivated to keep the pounds coming of. Good luck. :smile:
    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    Of course. It's all about calorie deficit. But, if your want to improve your fitness level and truly improve your health, you need to find time to exercise.
  • klerato
    Yes,caloric deficiency.You probably can do by planning your meals down to the last calorie.
  • 2720cynthia
    2720cynthia Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost all mine with almost zero exercise. As in far less than once per week. I'm not recommending it, just saying.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Of course! Run the numbers, and set your goals realistically so you don't lose too quickly, as very restrictive eating will likely increase the amount of muscle lost. If I don't have to time to exercise, I at least do a few pushups or planks to at least activate the muscle fibers.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    It is possible to lose being a couch potato... as I hate exercising and avoid it like the plague.

    I lost most of my weight w/o exercising. What I did do, and this was after losing probably 30-40 lbs was my recumbent bike and usually 30 minutes worth, and not busting a gut either... definitely not what I'd call seriously working out, lol. Also probably biked religiously for 12 weeks just long enough to get my Live Well credit for the job.

    I bought a Fitbit in early July....started walking mid July...doing about 2-4 miles a day outside (treadmill is also an option here), but yes you can lose and not exercise. Of course you will lose faster and firm/tone if you do work out. YMMV of course.
  • tinakaur
    I pulled a muscle on my shoulder/back last week and did not workout for 7 days. I normally work out 6x a week. I was worried I would not lose weight this week because of it but I still lost 1.3 pounds. I normally eat 1800 calories but this week I cut them to 1300ish.
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    I have really not gotten a good amount of exercise in. I just have seizure surgery so my exercise has been limited to doing about thirty minutes of walking around the house.

    So burning off some calories but not the amount that I would like, so truly watching how many calories that I am taking in. To be honest it has been very hard, but have been really trying!!!
  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    So basically I need to get off my butt and get active
  • ricklane
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    You don't find time to exercise. You make time.

    (You can lose weight without exercising, of course -- just create a caloric deficit -- but it's really hard to overstate the benefits of physical activity.)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You can lose weight by eating at a deficit, whether you exercise or not. Exercise, especially cardio, will help you lose faster. Strength training will help you lose more fat and less muscle, which is a good long term strategy for keeping the weight off.
  • Hiya,

    Anyone had any sucess losing weight with just diet and not exercising?

    I can't seem to find the time lately to do any excercise but need to lose 7 kilos.

    Actually, years ago when I was on the Atkin's plan I was losing weight by just adjusting what I ate. I purposely did not exercise to see if the plan actually worked. It worked, I was losing weight, I'm not sure how much or how fast anymore, but I was tracking it back then to be sure. I also felt really good too.

    I am considering getting back onto it now to see if I can double my loss.
  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    You can lose weight by eating at a deficit, whether you exercise or not. Exercise, especially cardio, will help you lose faster. Strength training will help you lose more fat and less muscle, which is a good long term strategy for keeping the weight off.

    ^^^^ Yep......this one !

    By the way, I think most of the peoples are super busy but you shall have to spare some time my dear friend for your health, it is advisable not to choose shortcut, fit body is the key I guess. As its said "Health is Wealth" :smile: