walking with weights

fitzio1015 Posts: 168
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
ok so ive been walking with 1lb hand weights. but as i was reading last night on another site alot of people were saying how bad it is for your shoulders... the others that said they did said how toned their arms got. but not really worth it if my should is killin me....any thoughts?


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Imho, a pound on each arm shouldn't hurt that much. Now if you're carrying twenty pounders then yeah lol could be an issue.

    If you do have shoulder pain then you could walk with a backpack with some weight in it. That way it's not pulling on your shoulders in the same way.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    When I am out running I see a lot of ladies around here with weights as they walk. However, they don't do it everyday. Maybe alternating when you have them and when you don't. But I agree with gemiwing, I don't think 1lbs weights should hurt.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I walk with 3 lb hand weights, but instead of leaving my arm long and stretched out (as you would when you walk) I keep a slight bend in my arm and curl the weight as I walk. I also do shoulder presses and shadow boxing.

    I think if you vary the exercise you shouldn't end up with an injury.
  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I walk with 3 lb hand weights, but instead of leaving my arm long and stretched out (as you would when you walk) I keep a slight bend in my arm and curl the weight as I walk. I also do shoulder presses and shadow boxing.

    I think if you vary the exercise you shouldn't end up with an injury.

    I used 3 pound weights as well, and keep my arms moving and usually bent at all times, as well as boxing.

    My neighbors are probably getting a show, but my arms are looking pretty good. :)

    I haven't had any pain from it yet, and god knows I'm a klutz-- if there's a way to hurt myself doing something, I will find it. I think you're safe. :smile:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    The only time I "hurt" myself is when I accidently squished my finger between the arm of the treadmill and the weight as I was swinging my arms. That hurt like a MF!!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Walking/running w/hand weights is usually ineffective. With 1lb, 3lb weights, the risk of injury is minimal, but so is the probability of benefits.

    Cardio: Studies have shown that carrying hand weights adds almost nothing to the effort, therefore there are no cardiovascular benefits. A more exaggerated arm swing CAN add substantially to the cardio effectiveness of walking, but it is the amplitude of the arm swing that creates the extra work. Adding 1lb or 3lb weights adds only modestly more benefit (5lb does significantly more, but also substantially increases the risk of injury).

    Just so this is clear: Arm swing (where hands in front reach at least the height of the shoulder): Increases cardio intensity--even without weights. Carrying weights: minimal or no benefit.

    Strength: Strength increases result from working a muscle group to a state of temporary fatigue (exhaustion) in a limited number of reps (1-15 mostly). Doing a thousand arm curls with a 3lb weight while walking will not increase strength--it will only train your body to lift 3 lb weights while walking.

    So you can do what you want, but carrying hand weights while walking or running does not improve cardio fitness or muscle strength.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    But it *must* tone, because I have seen increased tone in my arms since starting this.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    there are far more effective ways to tone the arms than walking with weight.

    Arms are a small and very active muscle group. There are short, effective techniques that can tone them up and improve arm and shoulder strength very fast. Biceps, triceps, and shoulders accept toning very quickly and with a very high degree of efficiency.

    Personally I wouldn't mix your exercises, it creates issues with form both in the walking (YES, walking correctly DOES have form, and it's that form that will keep you from long term knee, hip, and back injury)and form in the arms, plus it does very little for the walking aspect.

    If you're trying to save time by doing 2 exercises at once, well then, do something like the elliptical and use the hand bars for more than just balance, you CAN use them to push and pull, and it will help somewhat, and the nature of an elliptical forces you into more or less correct form. I still think it's better to isolate your exercises, it's hard to concentrate on form when you're doing two completely disparate routines at the same time.
  • fitzio1015
    fitzio1015 Posts: 168
    i've heard such mixed things about it.....kinda not sure where to go....thank you all for your input though....i just may have to stop and see my doc and see what he says is best for me....

    thanks again and have a great night
  • AngelaArlene51
    AngelaArlene51 Posts: 4 Member
    Is there a place to find out how many calories I burn using hand weights .I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this ,I am a newbie .Thanks :-)
  • Vic117
    Vic117 Posts: 1 Member
    I also just read where walking with weights is bad for the joints regardless of how many pounds it is & basically adds no benefits. This was from an article in Sports Medicine Journal. It suggested using a vest with weights if you were going to use weights at all.
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