New with Questions!

Hi there. I just started My Fitness Pal and like it a lot. My question is... am I suppose to eat all my exercise calories? Is it one of those things where it is different for everyone?


  • mykaar74
    that question will have several answers to it. everyone is different and different things work for different people. I never eat all my exercise calories, if any, however once again this is one of those situations where you have to see what works for you. Maybe even make a call to a dietitian or fitness expert. Well wishes on your journey.
  • gr8k8b
    gr8k8b Posts: 21 Member
    Well, I think it may be different for everyone, but I try on the day I workout, to eat a little more anyway, just because I'm usually extra hungry. But most of the time I don't actually eat all the carbs I burned during working out.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    every is different in every thing, but as a rule, as long as you did not go over your normal daily cals, then eat eat least 1/2 of your excerise or all. Over time, you will find what works best for you.

    For me, I eat almost all of mine every day.
  • RieRie1
    RieRie1 Posts: 7 Member
    All I can really say is that I TRY to stay at or under my calorie goal, though there are times I go over. Next I try to walk at least 30 or more minutes 4x's per week if not more. I haven't dropped alot of weight yet---however I haven't been as diligent as I need to be....though I'm getting there...

    I've been at this off and on for I guess at least four weeks and only dropped
    Again, a new day...a new opportunity to get it right.