Diet then binge eating cycle!

HELP PLEASE! i dont know how to stop this! i just crave fatty processed foods and so ill go on a diet for a few days and do a pretty darn good job then i go on a mad eating rampage and probably eat more then a 6 foot 5 260lb football player. its bad i will actually sit in the pantry and just eat. anything. everything. i dont understand im over weight but not so much that i have a huge of a calorie deficiency when im trying to diet. please i just want to know if everyone else struggles with this or if im just crazy. please motivate me with your stories id love to read them.


  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I love fatty foods to so I make sure I have something every week and still stay within my calories...I go out for a burger and fries or somthing like that. I just don't do it every night anymore. I'm not sure there's an easy answer for your question but I'd say set up a way of eating that you can live with. I would also consider what triggers your eating...maybe it's something you can change. Best of luck.
  • bbikenite
    bbikenite Posts: 2 Member
    what a great idea... i am horrible with my sweets.... i just had a baby 5 weeks ago and when i was prego i didn't watch what i ate at all and i am paying for it now.. i still eat like i'm prego . i am exercising and i just can't understand why i'mnot losing any weight LOL
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    I give myself a cheat day one day a week. I don't even track my food on that day and I enjoy everything I want. I don't over do it and eat just to eat, but if I want it I let myself have it on that day regarless of what it is.. for me personally it helps me live through the days when I have to say no to the birthday cake in the office break room! :tongue:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Try shakeology nutrition!!!! Gives body all the nutrients you need in a day and thus helps with portion control and reduce cravings!!

  • imma_rosta
    imma_rosta Posts: 30 Member
    For me, it took around 2 weeks to RESIST those food temptations and then they started going away. Now I very rarely crave the crappy food. I'm not saying it was easy but it might be easier to know that if you just stay strong for a few weeks, it gets noticeably easier. I work at Buffalo Wild Wings on the weekends and those were my hardest times. And after you lose a couple of pounds, that alone is motivation to keep going! Hang in there. You've come to the right site and there are a lot of people who are going through what you're going through. I look at some of my MFP friends' pages when I feel like I'm caught in a rut or something. There's one girl in particular that when I look at her pictures (she's only a pound away from her goal), it makes me curse her out all the way to the Elliptical Machine ;P

    P.S. I agree with ebert... every now and again I treat myself. Because it's all about moderation. That way I don't have to live forever without Taco Bell. ;)