anyone else doing the medifast plan?



  • max4pups
    max4pups Posts: 29 Member
    Just signed my husband and myself up for medifast, have a friend using it, thus far with great success. I have around 20 lbs and my husband has around 50 lbs to loose. So this is definite short term for both of us. Having him on board with me is a BIG deal. So we can loose these extra pounds together as a team! I've found some great recipe ideas for both changing up the "5" and enjoying the "1" lean and green. I have read about people doing 4 and 1 and curious on how that works for you and what your doing for that?? Our orders have been shipped. When I placed our orders it talked about our health coach but haven't heard anything since. Does that get dealt with when your get your order? I"m thinking the hardest part for us will be we have 3 kids at home and need to be cooking for them as well. Thinking I can make meals and incorporate carbs and such for them and not eat themselves. I'm going to miss my daily banana and protein shake the most LOL

    I have been trying to loose weight (officially) since January 18th. My highest weight is 165, but my starting weight on MFP is 160. I'm down to 145 as of today and my plan is to to see 125 (possibly 120) at 5" 2" I think that is doable :)
  • If you buy medifast on amazon, you can get a month's worth for $260 + shipping. []. This saves you about $60+ than if you were to buy it from the website. That + your lean and green meal=300-350/month. I went on Medifast a few years ago lost 80lbs in 4 months, and kept it off for over a year -->until I personally started to emotionally eat and stop exersizing. I'm back on the program and have lost 8lbs so far in my first week. I work many odd hours so being able to just pack my meals and go has been a real time saver and really convenient because I no longer put myself in the position to be tempted by fast food.
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