I need some ideas for road trip food.

I really want to take a mocha, ho ho's, cheese and crackers (Its a 9 hour drive one way). Does anyone have any ideas for some road trip food that not just a bunch of veggies and fruit (I'm on vacation people!)...Thanks! =)


  • MLgarcia3
    I had the same problem a couple of weeks ago.. I munched on popcorn! And I packed lunches for us so we wouldn't have to stop for fast food. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches :-)
  • mykaar74
    agree with mlgarcia 3, pack lunches, healthy snacks. and even if you stop most places now have healthy choices such as salads, and soup
  • megank3380
    Cheese, some great flavored crackers (wheat thins flat bread) Yumm. Pack plenty of cold water, and chewing gum-- Enjoy the trip, and try to get out and walk a bit.
    There are also some great cookies that come in the 100 calorie bags. Another idea would be pretzels, good to munch on.
    Travel safe!!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Well, I was going to suggest baby carrots and apples........ but since you don't want veg and fruit.... :):)

    What about pretzels, string cheese, apple slices/grapes, twizzlers, mixed nuts, and...... chocolate milk?

    There is also always the option of just taking water and other beverages and stopping at restaurants along the way for healthy-ish sustenance.... so that you have something to do to keep you awake (sip water... and chew strong minty gum) but aren't snacking the whole time.

    I don't know, these are suggestions that work for me. I make frequent road trips, so I have little tricks for myself. Snacking works too, but then I just end up going over the top and stuffing myself with snacks. To each his own, however!

    Good luck!!
  • eabrown1
    My family used to pack sandwiches in a cooler and stop for lunch at a park along the way. Its cheaper and healthier than fast food and, honestly, made for a great memory!
    Snacks on vacation wise, how about some cheese and crackers....I really like the laughing cow cheese (or string cheese. If you're really craving something sweet, how about an angel food cake (if you're crunched for time, a lot of super markets sell them pre-made) and split it into individual baggies for a serving. My personal favorite road trip food is Chex mix...if you make it yourself you can make some substitutes that don't make it too awful for you, but from my experience it is nearly impossible to keep the sodium levels not shocking.

    Hope this helps, and have an AWESOME vacation! 9 hours will fly by.
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    I always pack small snack bags like homemade trail mix with nuts and fruit with some granola. I also snack on sunflower seeds and almonds. Also taking a cooler with water and sandwiches works well.
  • matari2010
    how bout a tiny cooler w/ dry ice & a box of 100 calorie klondike ice cream sandwiches??!!! lol ok, ok,,,,, pack a cooler with all the good for u stuff but be sure to give urself a treat too! safe trip :smile:
  • sunnyd_0807
    Personally I love Chester's Puffcorn. Tastes just like movie theater popcorn, and you can eat 46 pieces for 160 calories!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    How about Triscuits, Ry-Krisps or rice cakes? Someone else said Laughing Cow cheese and I really like that too. I eat one wedge on an unsalted rice cake and it makes for a great snack.

    What about hard-boiling some eggs and keeping them in a cooler?

    Little applesauce cups? Yogurt in a cooler?

    Meal replacement bars?

    Make yourselves individual salads in covered containers and take your favorite fat-free dressing.

    Low-fat or fat-free jelly for crackers?

    And then all the choices of fruits and vegetables....

    Travel safely.:laugh:
  • lilbear911
    I didn't read the other replys, so if it's been said, sorry!! But I always bring trail mix. Like nut mix with dried fruit. You can either make your own, but I LOVE Target's variety! They have a ton of different trail mix/ nut mix options and I haven't tried one yet that I didnt like! (I'll be honest though, I haven't checked the nutrional info on it...but I'm sure there are some that are better than junk food!) Good luck and have fun on your trip!
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Beef Jerky! I only eat it on road trips because it is expensive, but it is a super great car food. Just make sure to bring floss and a lot of water. :)