eat before or after exercising?

During the week I have a short time frame in which I can workout. It makes most sense for me to come home from work, hop on the treadmill, shower then make/eat dinner. I've heard this actually makes you gain weight??? Is that true?

To be honest, I'm not sure I could eat beforehand because then my workout would be too late and I probably would have trouble sleeping. Not to mention allowing enough time for my stomach to settle. But if that's whats best, I could certainly try.

So what do you say? Should I eat before or after my workout?

Thank you!!


  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    It's personal preference. A caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight. A caloric surplus is what makes you gain weight.

    Not what time you eat, not if you eat or don't eat before exercise.

    Just be sure you are adding your exercise to your diary and eating those calories along with your calorie goal for the day.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    I do both.

    I have a banana, whey protein and skim milk in a blender 45 minutes prior to my workout.

    another mix of whey protein with water , right after workout is finished. Then, I go home and have my meal.

    You can skip the meal if it is too late for you. I workout at 5 am in the morning.

    Good luck in your journey
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Whatever works for you. Your body doesn't care when you feed it and lots of people swear by exercising in a fasted state. I usually come home for work and go for a run before supper. I haven't had any problems yet and have been maintaining my goal weight for over 2 years doing it.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Its one of the thousands of myth. Time of eating/working out does not make any difference. The difference in weight will be if you weigh yourself in the morning.
    For eg: you eat all 1500 calories early morning and are hungry rest of the day, you will weigh lightest early next morning. But if you eat majority of it at night and weigh early morning you will weigh more compared to the first option. but eventually it all evens out to the same.
    Hope that makes sense:)
  • khalleron
    I've been known to eat WHILE working out - if I'm pressed for time and don't have time to do both separately (usually in the morning before work).

    As the other posters said, it doesn't matter as far as fitness and/or weight loss goes. It only matters how YOU feel.
  • Annan72
    Yes, I agree - this is a HUGE myth. Just do what feels good and easy to you. One thing that a lot of people don't know is that STRESS makes you gain weight. It increases cortisol which helps you hold on to weight. So do your routine. Enjoy it. Enjoy your workout. Enjoy your food. Drink some yummy water. And try to relax - this produces the hormone DHEA, which is great in helping you release weight. And celebrate yourself for gettin' on that treadmill! Yay!