40-50 pounds to lose, 29F Canadian :)


I am Erin and I live in the Yukon and I've been trying to lose the same 50 pounds for 10 years. Well, not quite the same. My highest weight was 210 pounds and I barely remember it. It was during a particularly depressing time in my life and I didn't realize that I had gained that much. Anyway, I started eating low carb and doing C25K and in a few months I was down to 163. I then entered a very happy point in my life, a relationship etc and I gained about 20 back because I was eating a lot of junk. Food is definitely love where i live now.. When I reached 185 again, I started feeling depressed, weak and tired. I didn't want to leave the house or go out in public because of the way I felt.

So I am finally trying to adopt healthy eating for good. I remember when I was eating whole foods when I was active and losing weight last time, I felt so amazing, like a different person. I am about a week into my new life and I still don't feel great, but I feel proud of myself for making the decision to stop stuffing myself with food and regretting it later.

I work 12 hour days at a desk and my life is pretty much the definition of sedentary for now. I walk to and from work and that's about it in a day. I say that it's too hard with the long shift to find time to exercise, but that's an excuse. I'm actually too embarrassed to go to the gym at work and to work out in front of anyone, even the people I live with.. (I'm sure it would be okay if I did, but I can't seem to get past the mental block). I'm also kind of scared to go out for walks in public because I remember when I was 210 pounds, I would go for walks and several times people in cars would yell mean things about how fat I was while I was walking.. So right now, I am eating 1200 calories a day, and eating back if I happen to exercise.. Soon I hope the weight loss will help give me the confidence to feel comfortable exercising no matter where I am, I don't know where all this shame is coming from but it's crippling nonetheless.

I hope that my future posts will be more positive. I have lost 5 pounds so far and would love supportive friends of all kinds, so please request me if you think we can help each other out :)


  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Erin,

    I can definitely relate to what you're going through. I was 250 pounds at my highest weight and I remember being too self conscious for the gym or even walking outside sometimes...I still am that way even after losing 60+lbs, to be honest, but I'm working on it! I promised myself I would get a gym membership as soon as I reach 180, because I know my fear is irrational and it won't be so bad once I'm actually there. Sometimes your mindset has to change before your body does.

    Have you considered getting some kind of fitness monitor to stay active during the day? I have a pretty sedentary lifestyle now too because of college/work, but I have a Fitbit wristband that measures my steps/workouts and sets goals for me to achieve throughout the day. It's a really good motivator for me to take the stairs or do some walking during my breaks when I don't have time to do a proper workout.

    I'll send you a request -- the more friends on this journey, the better. We can do it!
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Sarah, I'm kind of a gadget geek, so I have tried the BodyMedia Fit (Awesome, but ugly and hard to WANT to wear, it stopped working after awhile) and the fitbit (lost it in my travels :(!!! ) I just bought a NIkeFuel Band and so far I'm not as impressed.

    I guess because it is primarily a pedometer I feel like it overstates calories - for example it says at the moment that in nine hours of work, getting up a few times to walk around the office, that I have burned 400 calories today. That might be sort of accurate but I don't feel good about counting it because I didn't actually EXERCISE, you know? But it does work for trying to do a few more steps a day, reach so many points, etc. so that's something! I don't trust it like I did the bodymedia fit!
  • dianak6
    dianak6 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Erin, we are neighbors (Alaska). I am also discouraged with having to deal with the same 50 lbs from 10 years ago. I love to see heavy people out walking, jogging. I feel connected to them and it gives me comfort and confidence to do the same thing. I truly believe exercise is the key to weight loss. I have the exercise down just not the nutrition, but I am going to succeed at this!
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    Hi Erin, My highest weight was 208lbs. -- now 173 and trying to get down into the 140's. I have been trying to lose my final weight for quite some time. Just once in my life I would like to hit my goal and be on maintenance instead of losing the same weight over and over:) I am very determined to win this battle. Anyone can feel free to add me. Sending you a friend request.
  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the welcome, everyone! :) so nice to make some new friends on the same path as me. Beach treasures, sounds like we have very similar goals, Im ten pounds behind you but i cant wait to hear how the 160s, 150s and 140s feel like before I get there! :D
  • moneymom2
    moneymom2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi we have a similiar goal i am on my last 50lbs and 41 and the best way to achieve this goal is supportive people who know what you are going through and keep you accountable but also understand when you have a bad day. Love to help and offer support anytime if you would like i am from ON Canada