27yr old female New to Site and Being Healthy

I am a 27 year old female 5'9" who in the past hasn't had trouble with weight until the last 4 years I have managed to go from 118lbs to 174lbs, and currently dating someone who is into Body Building. Luckily he has rubbed off on me and gotten my butt into the gym along with a good friend of his who is my new work out buddy. Day 3 of the gym in a row and I am feeling the burn, looking forward to getting my food intake corrected and on the straight and narrow path to being healthy. I love this site and look forward to review all your post and getting to maybe know some of you better. Good Luck!!!


  • lv2r1de
    This site is pretty awesome. I stumbled upon it after reading a weight loss article online. Best thing I ever did. It really opens your eyes to the amount of junk you put in your mouth!
    Best of luck to you!! =)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Welcome!!!!! This site is awesome no matter what your dieting goals are. Some count calories while others count carbs. You can keep an eye on your vitamins and fiber and also set the goals to your specifications. I was using lose it. BUT I found MFP and realized I could change my carb goals and I was exstatic. Good Luck!!!!!