Weekend Challenges - NEED SUPPORT!!

Over the next 4 days I'm going to be having some SERIOUS challenges for me to get through. I'm absolutly determined to make it, but I think I need some extra support. I decided to post about them to keep myself accountable. Any help and support I can get is GREATLY appreciated!

Thursday - Get up 5 am for P90x yoga (I'm not a morning person!) - Done - and it wasn't as hard as I thought
Thursday night kickball league game - NO BEER!! -
Bonus - 20 minutes on the elliptical -

Friday - Get up 5 am for P90x Legs and back -
Survive the Chinese Buffet w/ co-workers for lunch ( my plan is to stick to the salad bar and the fresh sushi bar - any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! This is going to be a tough one!)
Survive the drive (4 hours) to go visit my parents - the drive is ok, the parents house is another question..... i told my mom I was on a diet, and she calls to tell me my father made my favorite italian soup - and it's NOT healthy!!!

Saturday - Get up early while at my parents for P90x Kenp x work out & Ab Ripper x
NO Cake at my beautiful niece's 4th birthday party
Saturday Night - Allowing myself a cheat night HOWEVER I'm going to try to keep it under control... I'm attending a Breast Cancer Awareness benefit with live music, food, and of course beer and wine (and it's walking distance to my house so I can't even use the excuse I have to drive!!) So - my goal is to not go overboard.

Sunday - Get up, drive the 4 hours back home while avoiding the rest areas with all the bad food on the way
Do P90x Stretching - I think I'm going to need it after a long drive

Ok I know it seems like a lot but I AM going to do this!!! I'm going to do it to the best of my ability!! Any support I can get is greatly appreciated!!! I'll periodically check in throughout the weekend to see how I'm doing! Thanks!!!


  • jessicajm
    Wow! That's a busy weekend!
    I think you did a huge thing by posting here. You are holding yourself accountable. The worst part for me would be waking up so early. The best I can say is when you wake up.... get right up. Don't lay there and wish you had a few more minutes. Otherwise you will undoubtedly fall asleep.
    Most importantly, have a good weekend. Don't make it stressful. Enjoy your family and have fun with friends. Stay positive and upbeat. If you say "diet" experience tells me people will try to get you to break. Just say you are eating healthy. They can't argue with that!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    My tip would be pack yourself some yummy but healthy treats for your 4 hour car rides (enough for both trips). That way you wont be tempted by rest stop food and can still eat things you enjoy.

    Otherwise, just stick to getting your exercise in and you should be fine. Enjoy yourself and dont stress!
  • cindil
    When you feel like giving in to overload of soup and bday cake just remember that you are going out Sat night and will be able to cheat then....be sure to dance, dance, dance and enjoy....you will burn off some of those extra calories.

    Most of all....enjoy your family and have fun....if you slip up don't beat yourself up...just get back to work on Monday.
  • BeDawn
    BeDawn Posts: 56 Member
    I found something that helps me to eat less when faced with good food.
    1. I approach the food with a positive attitude; "I am going to enjoy this italian soup" (italian soup is not evil, after all)
    2. Put a smaller portion on your plate, or in your bowl
    3. Skip the extras; appitizers, bread, sauce etc.
    4. Eat it s-l-o-w-l-y. I'm talking ridiculously slow. Pay attention to taste, smell texture, etc. Make each bite last forever.
    5. Leave some on your plate, or in your bowl, even if it's only one bite.

    When I do this, I always eat less, and still feel full. And the cook is happy to see me enjoying the food, so they overlook the fact that I didn't eat as much. I hope this helps! Good luck this weekend...
  • leslieheb
    leslieheb Posts: 45 Member
    It sounds like you have a great plan. That is the first step to accomplishing any goal. Don't beat yourself up if you slip a little. I have heard that it is good to give your body extra calories every now and then. It is suppose to keep your metabolism at it peak... so don't worry if a couple of days you eat a little more than normal. It sounds like you have a very strong heart and I know you can beat this weekend. Taking it one battle at a time will help too. I will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Sounds like a fun weekend! I think it's great you made a plan ahead of time. Just remember your plan, and if you mess up, just get right back to it. I am in a similar situation with the weekend approaching - it's going to be really hard!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Thanks for all the support everyone!! I'm Very greatful!!! I think trying to at least have somewhat of a plan and putting it out there is really going to be a big help. Thanks again everyone!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Updating progress for today...

    Thursday - Get up 5 am for P90x yoga (I'm not a morning person!) - Done - and it wasn't as hard as I thought
    Thursday night kickball league game - NO BEER!! - GAME CANCELLED!! No worries!!
    Bonus - 20 minutes on the elliptical - Did 30 minutes instead!!!

    Now just got to get through the rest of the weekend!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Ok here goes day 2 of my 4 days of challenges..... so far so good! I'm going to continue to make myself accountable....

    Friday - Get up 5 am for P90x Legs and back - DONE!! Burned 414 Calories!!
    Survive the Chinese Buffet w/ co-workers for lunch ( my plan is to stick to the salad bar and the fresh sushi bar - any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! This is going to be a tough one!) - Looked up the menu.... Planned in my meal planner - will make any changes needed - WISH ME LUCK!! I'll update when I come back

    Survive the drive (4 hours) to go visit my parents - the drive is ok, the parents house is another question..... i told my mom I was on a diet, and she calls to tell me my father made my favorite italian soup - and it's NOT healthy!!!
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    WEEKEND = SUCCESS!! I enjoyed myself and had a great time with my family. I kept an eye on what I was eating/drinking while still enjoying myself!! Thanks for the support! Also, I had a great victory for myself for the weekend.... I only had 4 glasses of wine for the ENTIRE weekend!!! It was amazing!! My dad has this new hobby of wine making and there is this crazy amount of wine now in my parents house of all kinds. I did some tasting, enjoyed myself, and brought most of it home with me to enjoy sparingly!!

    Thanks for the support everyone!!!