How to add Jillian Michaels Body Revolution workouts?

Hi there!!

New to MyFitnessPal, and I'm on the 1st week of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and loving it so far. Just wondering how to log in my exercise for the day with the MyFitnessPal app?


  • oh wow, i just started JMBR today and i was on here looking for the same exact thing :smile: im new to MFP too, maybe we can friend each other so that we can motivate one another? anyways hope someone will be able to help us on logging in our workouts.:smile:
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hi, I'm also following Body Revolution and am almost at the end of week 3. For the record, weeks 1 & 2 aren't too bad at all but it gets a lot harder in week 3!! I have been doing extra cardio workouts on my weights days though.

    For body revolution I normally just log it as 'circuit general' as it's very difficult to classify but it puts me at around 300 calories for that if it's for around 35 minutes. You can't be completely accurate with calories burned anyway and most people on here say that MFP over calculates calories burned from exercise but who knows.

    Good luck with the rest of the programme :smile:
  • K_wilburn
    K_wilburn Posts: 1 Member
    I think you can create your own workout. There is something in the books on her program about it. Like you take your body weight, divided by 2 and multiply it by 4 and that's the number of calories you burned. Different people burn different number of calories.

    Are you doing the metabolism boost where you do the cardio every night?

    I'm on my last day of 1.3...and 3 is killer. ug.
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Yes it is! I think I prefer workout 4 to workout 3!
  • skankamaggot
    skankamaggot Posts: 146 Member
    I'd suggest investing in a heart rate monitor to know how much you are really burning. When I was doing the 30 day shred I was burning WAY less than I thought I was once I got one.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    HRM is the best way to go. I did Body Revolution July-Sep. . .It was, well, something. I don't want to scare you, but she has you doing some CRAZY stuff by the end! But, it's good for building up a sweat. My usual work outs burned about 23-250, if I remember correctly.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    The name of the DVD then calories burned from your heart rate monitor.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    on my 3rd round and love it! I use my HRM and burn between 230 and 350 depending on the video. I would probably log as circuit training. but if u plan on eating back ur cals i would say buy a HRM.
  • MsWallwoman
    MsWallwoman Posts: 161
    I find the best way for me is to use a heart rate monitor for my calories and I enter my workouts as circuit training. I recommend a heart rate monitor if you would like to have an accurate count of calories burned. I love JMBR workouts. I also love MFP app. I just got a Fitbit Flex so it will be interesting to see how everything compares and works together. :)

    Side Note:
    I also have a awesome app for tracking my weight loss progress. "TrackItPro". It is customizable, and compares pictures, measurements, weight.. It's a great motivational tool!
  • NotaryLady
    NotaryLady Posts: 1 Member
    Thank for the info everyone. I will have to look into a HRM. So far i like the JM Body Revolution ... I am also looking into BeachBody Workouts
  • pierreborg86
    pierreborg86 Posts: 38 Member
    I've seen a lot of skepticism on the accuracy of HRM but anyway measuring your calories burned doesn't need to be up to a scientific standard, it just needs to give you an idea
  • Just as a guide line:

    I'm 5,7" 159, 22 years old

    Weeks one and two:
    Workout one: 370 cal
    Workout two: 350

    I use 3.3 pound hand weights

    Cardio days I just do turbo fire :)