New to Posting...not new to MFP

I am working on weight loss for the 2nd time. About 9 years ago I lost 89 lbs and two weeks later I "passed" a pregnancy test and had my 2nd child. :) When I lost that weight, I lost it the "right way," meaning changing how I ate and exercising. It was very overwhelming to face the process again. It took a little more than a year the first time. Well, last year my doctor offered me a referral for WLS and I freaked out! lol I (and this is MY opinion only) saw that as a lazy way out (FOR ME). I am perfectly capable of losing the weight and changing how I eat, I was just not doing it. So, last September I got serious. I have not lost as much as I want in this first year, BUT I have lost. I have a less than supportive husband at home, who I think prefers me heavy (we are separating soon for several reasons) and does all he can to sabotage me. However, I have a WONDERFUL dad who cheers me on every step of the way and a handful of friends who do the same. I would like more friends here who understand what I am going through and just for support.
I've never posted here before because I felt like, "well if my own husband doesn't care and can't cheer me on - why the heck would complete strangers?" :) I have spent a good part of my day reading posts and comments and I am overwhelmed at the support being offered. I like it!
Oh, I am 37 (38 soon), 3 wonderful kids (22, 14, and 8) and married to a Navy Submariner for almost 16 years.
I was home recently for the summer helping my sister take care of my nephew and I had a HUGE insight into where my eating problems stemmed from. My mother took me shopping, supposedly because she is SO proud of my weight loss. Well, we got to the mall and I was told to buy an outfit smaller then my current size so I had something to work toward. :grumble: Then she pointed out a very large obese woman and said, "you never looked "that" bad." :angry: OH and then there was when I said I was finally comfortable wearing sleeveless shirts and she said, "oh yes, you did used to look like a football player." WTF???? :explode: So, it was, uh eye opening to say the least. :) When I was a kid she would ALWAYS tell me how pretty I would be if I lost weight. I was 5'8" and probably about 140 lbs maybe....and an ATHLETE. Basketball, softball, volleyball, ran track, etc. So, now I pay attention when I "think" I am hungry. Am I hungry or did my husband piss me off, am I bored, etc etc.
Anyway. Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling. :)


  • Chellebear01
    Chellebear01 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I am also working on this weight loss run a second time. I am also new to posting and not new to MFP. From what I read it sounds like you are making great choices for you and I am sorry that your almost ex cannot support you in your endeavor to become healthier for you and your children. As for your mom all I can say is shame on her. Perhaps she was trying to be supportive and just didn't go about it the right way.

    I wish you the best journey you can have.
  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    Good luck on your journey! Sounds like you have had several hurdels to overcome!!! But you are doing might not have lost everything you wanted to in the past year...but you did lose a lot!!! Great job so far!!
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I enjoyed reading that. Keep your head up girl - you know what to do with the rest of your life.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: