Discouraged, need help & friends

I've lost weight pretty consistently through the summer, 16 lbs. in about 16 weeks, but I'm stuck. I'm more and more often going way over my allowance for the day - I have days where I am just SO HUNGRY I can't stand it. I'm pretty sure it has to do with approaching Fall and the days getting shorter - I get SAD pretty badly in the winter. I feel discouraged about even maintaining the 16 lbs. I've lost through the winter, much less losing any more. Does anyone else go through this in the Fall & Winter?


  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    First of all, WAY TO GO ON YOUR LOSS! Losing in the summer is HARD! I'm sure anyone on here will tell you that this whole losing thing is FULL of ups and downs, both on the scale and in our heads... Hang in there. Maybe it's time to switch up your routine so your mind has something new to focus on. I'm going to start a C25K outside (even though the weather is now turning to cr@p) to supplement my crossfit.
    Add me if you want, I'm trying hard to be consistent, have been here awhile and try to be as encouraging as possible. (aka if your diary is open I will absolutely NOT trash talk you... which seems common here, although not with any of my friends)
    Have a great weekend!
  • kristenbel
    kristenbel Posts: 3 Member
    YES!!! You need to take vitamin D! Its a savior.
  • I've been taking 3000 IUs of Vit. D daily. It does help, but I'm still starting to have trouble with the shorter days. I'm wondering if I should up my intake? I've heard you have to be careful Vit. D as it is fat-soluble and you can overdose on it.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Agree with the vitamin D- helped me loads. Also maybe consider adding some exercise into your routine? That can help with mood, and also will allow you to have increased calorie intake so you might not feel so deprived.

    Also- feel free to add me as a friend if you can use some support. Always glad to encourage!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Same problem here with SAD. My Dr. upped me to 4000 units daily.
  • roxypoxy123
    roxypoxy123 Posts: 7 Member
    you can get very sick taking too much vitamin D you should consult your Dr. or pharmacist.........
  • way to go on your weight loss hun xx
  • I did my master's work on Vitamin D and I would say once winter rolls around you should be fine with 4000IU/day as long as you cut it back once Spring rolls around and you spend time outside during vitamin D hours (this depends where you live, but will be around lunch time). I get very sad in the winter because I live somewhere much colder than where I grew up and it is hard to handle. Exercise helps me a lot! Even though I am not able to do things outside, getting up and going to the gym or even doing home DVD workouts is a lifesaver and makes me feel great when I walk out for work in the morning knowing I've already accomplished so much. Also, sticking to goals as far as nutrition goes, I do drastically better when I am working out well. Not wanting to waste all my hard work for that cookie is so much easier than giving in when I have missed a few workout days. If you have any nutrition questions feel free to ask- I have a master's in nutritional sciences and will be a registered dietitian soon also (currently doing my rotations). You can do it :))
  • Hi - I am a psychotherapist and you may well be suffering more than you think form the days growing shorter and lack of light - you can try to fix it a little with light therapy - all you need to do is get yourself a light box or make one. You need a lamp that can take a good strong bulb and some perspex or glass that is slightly misted - put the light above your head height and the glass in front of it so you are receiving the light through the glass. Allow yourself an hour at least in front of this as you read or do some sitting down chores - this has helped quite a few people. Also keep your water intake up if you can. I hope that helps xx
  • Well done on your weight loss. :)
    Maybe it's just having to increase the resistance of your exercise so you're working a little harder? If you do the same exercise every week your muscles get used to the exercise and don't work as hard. So why not try a class or swimming once a week? I hope it makes a difference!

  • Darrowland
    Darrowland Posts: 15 Member
    My doc put me on 4000 of vit d daily. It helps. When I am mad hungry, I cook! Chicken or tuna salads with boiled eggs, or curries and stir fry's. turkey meatloaf loaded with veggies is also great! I am definitely a foodie, and my plan for health is to figure out my best food choices for nutrition and enjoyment, mixed with daily walks/jogs and rebounding - something I really enjoy and can do watching movies.

    Sunshine, nourishing foods, exercise, limited negative forces: news & Debbie Downers!

    I lost a child 8 years ago. I battle emotions like the waves of the ocean...they never stop rolling, but if I am taking care of my vessel, they are much easier to ride.

    You can do it!
  • Good afternoon everyone. I am happy to be posting today. I haven't been doing very well after I joined last year. I suppose I need to post more and try a little harder to follow my food plan every day. I've been reading some of your post and am encouraged by them. It doesn't matter how slow the weight comes off, just as long as it is coming off. I wish I could say that I lost 16 pounds in 16 weeks like another member did...instead I GAINED WEIGHT rather than losing. I hope to change that around.
  • Thanks, guys. It's reassuring to hear about the Vit. D. I did get a light box also and am planning to try it. I got it very late last winter so I didn't use it much but I did notice I got some nausea from it. I don't know if I have to work up slowly or if it's the type of light but I'm going to try it again.