Need Help with a competition

we are having a competition at work called LOSE BIG! Starts Oct 11th and runs for 6 weeks. Highest percentage of weight loss wins..any suggestions on how this can be me? especially if I am going up against men!! ?!?!?


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The percentage of weight loss should even out the playing field.
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    any suggestions on how to make sure my percentage is bigger at the end of 6 weeks! I gotta win this! I never win anything and I have never been more motivated in my life!

    1. first prize is a Wii fit
    2. Ipod Nano
    3. $75 gift card to macy's.. which I dont care about cause what can you buy at macy's for $75... socks? i want the wii fit or ipod nano!!