
:blushing: I've seen many posts about over eating sugar. I seem to have the same problem. I really..really.. craved for M&M so I ate 1/3 bag this morning. It is 9:00am here in California and I ate all my sugar for the day. Ugggh...
Once in a while I've got to have some chocolate. Try not to feel guilty...


  • lesleybritton
    I try to keep my sugar under, but it is the thing I struggle with the most. Everything seems to have sugar in it!

    When I start feeling bad about something I ate, I just remind myself of what I WOULD have eaten a few months ago and I suddenly feel a lot better about my choice. :) Before you were on MFP... would you have eaten only a third of the bag of M&M's? I know I wouldn't have.

    So you're over on your sugar today. Be extra careful with it tomorrow.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I like chocolate too, and sometimes I don't just like it, I NEED it. I go for really good dark chocolate which has less sugar and more good things like antioxidants. Another thing to remember is that it's not always about what you eat today that makes the difference, it's what you eat tomorrow that really matters. So, tomorrow- DON'T eat the M&'M's! (maybe skip a day:laugh: )
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Whenever PMS is in the house, chocolate is in my just happens...natural force!
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    If I crave something I give it to my body. It often craves the oddest things. But not usually the worst things anymore. I think chocolate is good for you on some level. Moderation of course. :D

    It won't hurt you to go over on a category from time to time. I do it with sodium and sugar from time to time. But most days I avoid them.