Feeling blah...

What is going on with me? Over the past week, its as if I don't care anymore. I went into this with a different mindset - this was not going to be a diet, but a lifestyle change. In the month of August, I dropped 15 pounds. Felt great.... now, I literally don't care about losing weight, inches, whatever.

I stopped caring about what I put into my body. Started drinking red bull again. I know IIFIYM, but right now I just don't seem to care. It sucks because I know that if I continue, all that progress I made will be for not.

I was walking, playing racquetball, then added jogging - got to being able to jog 1.5 miles non-stop. Was having a blast - felt accomplished. Now, eh.... if I run/exercise, cool. If not, oh well.

I know we all have a day or 2 that we feel this same way, but this is going on a week now.

Not sure what to do... it sucks.


  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    It doesn't matter whether you care or not right now.

    Sometimes you just need to work it like its a machine. You don't rely on your feelings but do what needs to be done whether you feel like it or not

    So what do you do? Put down the red bull, go get a run in and do the same each day until your feelings catch up with your behavior.

    You don't need to care, you just need to execute on the right behaviours!
  • SophK90
    Ahh that's a shame, I felt like that last month when i went on holiday for 3 weeks and put ALL my weight back on (plus an extra lb).

    Maybe you are getting bored? Have you thought about trying new recipes? Getting a buddy? combining with exercise/different exercise? Or even taking a couple of weeks off where you don't go mad but you just loosen the reigns?
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    Well, it does matter if I care.... I am not the type person that can just dismiss how I am feeling. I get the need to be a machine and just do it sometimes, and I have. I have been that machine just going thru the motions for the past week. And I hate it. I don't want to hate it.

    I need to find out the root cause of why I am feeling this. Its not healthy to just push the emotions into some dark corner of my mind. I need to deal with them and find out what is causing it.

    As far a my eating goes, I am not a very good chef, LOL. There isn't anyone around me that is interested in exercising. My friends and family are fine with the way they are.
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    I need to find out the root cause of why I am feeling this.

    That's called navel gazing and is the direct cause of death for many good intentions.

    Get your trainers on and think about it whilst you are running. Get an iPod and blast out the running blues, get a grip, get on with it. You have hit a wall, deal with it - NOW!

    Good luck :)
  • AmyJMadison
    AmyJMadison Posts: 143 Member
    I've felt this way and I've let it go on for a couple months. I am not the sort who has to figure out the why but I am the sort to beat myself up for the bad results. I have gained back a few and be extremely poor about logging. Part for me was that the new and shiny had worn off the plan. It wasn't a fresh adventure so I got bored with it. I came, I saw, I tried, I accomplished most of it.. so it wasn't fun any more. But now I have to admit I am trying the machine thing and just doing it blindly to try to get back some good habits. I am doing the action to form the habit, instead of trying to create the habit from within. Not sure it will work for you but I have to keep pushing. Good luck!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :ohwell: Ahhh...the dreaded 'funk' :sick:
    It happens :flowerforyou:

    Either find a way to push through it, or resolve yourself to wallow for a bit, then there will be the inevitable 'recommitting' ceremony :laugh:

    Careful, this can be an awful cycle to get bogged down in.

    When I feel like I'm circling the drain, I change things up & try to keep focused in any way I can. If this means to lighten up a bit, sometimes, it's necessary. You've got to find your way :drinker:

  • moneymom2
    moneymom2 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss is more mental than physical. Emotional eating is common and when we journal sometimes this helps if we can find the triggers we have something to work with; trauma, illness, boredom, sadness, weather,pain all can be factors and one reason it helps to have a food, exercise and personal journal. Food can be used for so many things comfort, boredom, thirst, this one is odd but sometimes we just need a glass of water not really hungry. Once you identify these triggers and remember your why for starting this weight loss challenge let this motivate you and if your family are not supportive enough then feel free to reach out to others with the same goals as yourself; Together Everyone Achieves More. Need new recipes, hints, tips or just someone to chat with, just ask.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I need to find out the root cause of why I am feeling this.

    That's called navel gazing and is the direct cause of death for many good intentions.

    having suffered from and recovered from mental illness, I couldn't disagree with this statement more.

    understanding WHY you feel a certain way is the first step to fix it. Someone mentioned machines... well if your car isn't running right you'd expect the mechanic to find out why and fix it or tell you what to do differently to stop it happening. The brain isn't all that different. Loss of motivation or feeling down all the time doesn't happen for no reason. There is a reason and while i do agree with the advice to get on with it even though you feel bad..... I also think it's extremely useful to pinpoint what is making you feel like that so you can do something about it and get your motivation, energy etc back.

    OP - some ideas, although only you can say what it is or isn't, and you may have to consider more than one idea

    - boredom/stuck in a rut - change up your exercise routine or find a new way to exercise that's more inspiring, find new meals that will inspire you without going over your calorie limit. Change your daily routine in some way, get out more, see different people, etc.

    - stress - this is a common thing and often something that can't be controlled, but cutting toxic people out of your life or getting a new job may be possible if these are causes of stress.... a lot of sources of stress can be eliminated... relaxation and stress relief techniques are good for stress that can't be eliminated

    - too few calories - this can cause you to feel lethargic or even depressed. A week or two eating at maintenance might give you a boost... if you do this and rapidly gain up to 5lb, then that's from water and glycogen and it's more evidence that you were eating too little. don't freak out about water weight gains

    - not enough rest - especially if you're doing strength training, insufficient rest can cause you to feel tired and lacking in motivation.

    - insufficient healthy fat and fat soluble vitamins. studies have shown that insufficient fat in the diet can increase the risk of depression and even suicide, and vitamin D (which is a fat soluble vitamin) deficiency causes depression.

    - the novelty of a new diet/exercise routine wearing off - this can be an issue for some people, at first it's all new and shiny and easy to get motivated, then it gets harder and more routine and the sparkle wears off... well you do have to stick to it, but the advice about boredom also comes into play... you can change up your routines etc to keep them interesting... also ask yourself if you're making things harder than they need to be... sustainability is your long term goal. If you're getting worn down by what you're not allowed to eat or what exercise you have to do, then rethink your plan to include foods you love but keep them within your calories, and switch the exercise you do to something you enjoy a lot more and will find it easier to stick to.

    Hope that helps!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Fair enough. But I am not assuming anything (I read nothing in the OPs post that intimated mental illness) and offered my advice... and the good luck and smile at the end.... as motivation.

    And some of your advice is identical to that I gave, just phrased differently :)
  • anlu37
    anlu37 Posts: 100 Member
    Motivation and desire for change will come and go. What you really need is to commit. you will not always *feel* good about going to the gym. I made a list of goals. Not stuff that I was emotional about--stuff that I commit to doing in order to make my life a better one. I am committed. I committed to being a healthier me to my husband, to my kids, to my friends and to myself. The more people I tell about these changes I am making in my life, the more accountable I make myself to them. Some days I don't care and it doesn't matter except that my character and reputation are on the line. I have committed. I said I would do it, so I am going to whether I *feel* like doing it today or not. Otherwise, I am just making a liar out of myself.
  • jpbgrad98CHANGED
    I really appreciate everyone's input and advice on this. I guess one of the things we go through during a change in lifestyle is pushing and enduring through the change and seeing it to the end.

    Thanks again for helping and giving your advice. I take each one in and process it to help me.