Kinda gross Question about taking Measurements and "skin"

ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Okay so I am just starting and wanted to take my measurements this morning.

I don't have much weight to lose, I'm not really concerned about the pounds anymore, But seriously need to get in shape.

My stomach has a lot of "extra skin" from a previous pregnancy, I gained 80 pounds. I lost the weight, and know no amount of exercise will fix this (so I've been told various times) However, when I take waist measurement it is like MUSH. So do I loosly measure it, or tighten the measuring tape?

Thanks for any help.

Also if anyone has had a "loose" skin problem and somehow miraculously, it changed a lot and yuo have before and afters :)

Also, is it accurate for me to do a fat percentage with a caliper, if I have this "SKIN" on my belly, or is it going to be completely in-accurate?


  • lorislosingit
    lorislosingit Posts: 32 Member
    I think you just need to be consistent - you should see results either way.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
    Same issue here. I have lost about 80 pounds so far yet still have "The Mush as you state".. What I do is acknowledge the measurement , and get to strength training on a regular basis with 30DS. Do not get discouraged. Just stay focused on exercises to tighten up that core. It did not happen overnight and will take constant diligence to get it to the best it can be. Food for thought..tight jeans will squish it all in anyway in a fix if the weight is lost. Focus on the success and keep moving forward:flowerforyou:
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Gained 80lbs during pregnancy. Only lost 15 after birth! And 20 more since starting mfp. My stomach isn't that bad but I'm afraid it'll get worst with baby #2 in a few years.

    I hear its genetics. Some women's stomach goes back to normal & some just don't. I guess its like how some get stretch marks & some don't. Good luck!
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    Okay well, Mine is from my son who is about to me 8 in NOVEMBER! LOL you cant really tell from my clothes, but naked is like a hot mess. Stretch mark city, like tiger claw marks all the way to my ribs. HOWEVER, My baby girl just turned one. Meaning I had another baby, and my stomach didn't get any "WORSE" it was already messed up from my son, but I was terrified a second baby was going to do more damage. But she didn't, it was my first pregnancy that was a killer. I went back to the same extra skin stretcmarked belly I had before. Im assuming because it was already "STRETCHED" out lol.
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    YES I know tight jeans squish it anyways! lol Do you have any before and after picture? I tried 30DS a couple times on level one. And couldn't stick with it. IT WAS SO HARD! However two days ago I decided to give it a try again, but on level 2. I couldn't finish the last circuit, but I had to star somewhere. And i'm going to do my second day right now.

    Thank you :)
  • proboho
    proboho Posts: 62 Member
    Same problem with measuring, not convinced it is the best way to gauge progress for me, depends on how tight I pull the tape measure round my squishy thighs especially! However 30 plus lbs down and they are a lot less squishy :smile: and I think the cellulite is a lot less too..hoping my next 6lbs off (to goal) will get rid of my midriff bulge and flabby inner thighs!

    Need to use use pictures, weight and not measure too often in my opinion.
    Good luck
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I think exercise along with a good diet will get most people there in the end. After my last baby (number 5 who was expected to be over 10lbs) my baggy stomach literally layed half way down my thighs when I sat down but now 10 months after starting to exercise it only spreads 3-4 inches. It still looks horrid as I have loads of stretch marks but its definitely much improved. I'm hoping if I keep on I'll get my belly button back as I have skin that hangs over that too argh.

    I started with cardio, then 30DS, then 6 weeks to a 6 pack and now I'm kinda doing my own circuit/HIIT routine and using dumbells. I think using weights has helped most.

    The only 'miracle' I've discovered is non invasive laser lipo. I've had 1 treatment a week for the last 4 weeks and although I haven't really lost any inches its really firmed up my tummy, there's less overhang and it doesn't just flop about so much anymore, it has some substance! Also I had a stubborn patch of fat about 4 or 5 inches wide down the centre of my tum that I could feel when I pulled my fingers across my stomach and I noticed after my 4th treatment last week that I can't really feel that much anymore. Its a treatment I'd recommend if you've got the dough or a good offer pops up on Groupon. The lady at the clinic said that derma rolling was really great for toning and sorting out stretch marks but I'm squeamish and couldn't deal with all those needles!
  • ohmyjiggle
    ohmyjiggle Posts: 71 Member
    I think exercise along with a good diet will get most people there in the end. After my last baby (number 5 who was expected to be over 10lbs) my baggy stomach literally layed half way down my thighs when I sat down but now 10 months after starting to exercise it only spreads 3-4 inches. It still looks horrid as I have loads of stretch marks but its definitely much improved. I'm hoping if I keep on I'll get my belly button back as I have skin that hangs over that too argh.

    I started with cardio, then 30DS, then 6 weeks to a 6 pack and now I'm kinda doing my own circuit/HIIT routine and using dumbells. I think using weights has helped most.

    The only 'miracle' I've discovered is non invasive laser lipo. I've had 1 treatment a week for the last 4 weeks and although I haven't really lost any inches its really firmed up my tummy, there's less overhang and it doesn't just flop about so much anymore, it has some substance! Also I had a stubborn patch of fat about 4 or 5 inches wide down the centre of my tum that I could feel when I pulled my fingers across my stomach and I noticed after my 4th treatment last week that I can't really feel that much anymore. Its a treatment I'd recommend if you've got the dough or a good offer pops up on Groupon. The lady at the clinic said that derma rolling was really great for toning and sorting out stretch marks but I'm squeamish and couldn't deal with all those needles!

    Hey there! Thanks for the input. I know no mount of lip is going to save me. I need a tummy tuck, and even that wont rid my higher up stretchmarks. Which I don't have the money for right now. It is so hard trying to find someone with a stomach like mine, no one else understands. lol I'm on my second day of 30Ds did one day skipped and day and did it today. I cant tell if its that hard or I am That out of shape!!! Im starting on level 2 btw. I tried doing level 1 before and it was hard, and bored me to pieces. I'm going to add you :)
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    I have two kids, and both were "C" sections, which makes it even harder,(I have heard), because the muscles were cut to get the baby out,, for one thing, and even 17 years after the second baby, I can still feel the place in my tummy where I was stitched, inside, when I do certain yoga moves. Also, there's a long, horizontal scar that the excess skin hangs over. When I am overweight, like now, there's also fat there. I have also yo-yo'd a lot in my life, and have excess skin here and there due to that.
    Yes, it's not pretty. Yes, I wish it were gone. I am now in my 50's, and I'm over it, I will not have a tummy tuck because I knew someone who died from complications of that. I have learned that I am a pretty cool person, in spite of the flabby parts and cellulite, that will be with this body no matter how much weight I lose.
    As for measuring, I now note on my measuring note card the place I measure: my waist, I measure at the belly button, always. I used to measure "around the tummy", which is the largest place, but that is not my waist. Thigh: I have those parts that stick out on the sides, but that's higher than the inner thigh widest spot, so I used to measure at an angle, going over both widest spots. Now, I just go from the widest spot of the inner thigh, horizontally around. It is more positive this way on both, and it does reduce as i lose.
    My point is, cut yourself a break, and be consistent in the spot you choose to measure. Don't pull the tape tighter over the mushy parts, because you might pull it more or less each time. Look at your other physical and inner attributes, that you like, and celebrate you!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I think exercise along with a good diet will get most people there in the end. After my last baby (number 5 who was expected to be over 10lbs) my baggy stomach literally layed half way down my thighs when I sat down but now 10 months after starting to exercise it only spreads 3-4 inches. It still looks horrid as I have loads of stretch marks but its definitely much improved. I'm hoping if I keep on I'll get my belly button back as I have skin that hangs over that too argh.

    I started with cardio, then 30DS, then 6 weeks to a 6 pack and now I'm kinda doing my own circuit/HIIT routine and using dumbells. I think using weights has helped most.

    The only 'miracle' I've discovered is non invasive laser lipo. I've had 1 treatment a week for the last 4 weeks and although I haven't really lost any inches its really firmed up my tummy, there's less overhang and it doesn't just flop about so much anymore, it has some substance! Also I had a stubborn patch of fat about 4 or 5 inches wide down the centre of my tum that I could feel when I pulled my fingers across my stomach and I noticed after my 4th treatment last week that I can't really feel that much anymore. Its a treatment I'd recommend if you've got the dough or a good offer pops up on Groupon. The lady at the clinic said that derma rolling was really great for toning and sorting out stretch marks but I'm squeamish and couldn't deal with all those needles!

    Hey there! Thanks for the input. I know no mount of lip is going to save me. I need a tummy tuck, and even that wont rid my higher up stretchmarks. Which I don't have the money for right now. It is so hard trying to find someone with a stomach like mine, no one else understands. lol I'm on my second day of 30Ds did one day skipped and day and did it today. I cant tell if its that hard or I am That out of shape!!! Im starting on level 2 btw. I tried doing level 1 before and it was hard, and bored me to pieces. I'm going to add you :)

    I accepted your add :o)

    I know how you feel, I have stretchmarks up to my ribs and also they go right down, down too(!) I hate them but I figure I'm just going to have to do the best I can to tone up and try to accept them :/

    30DS is a great way to get into exercising. When I started I found it really difficult too but by the time the 10 days was up it felt pretty easy. If you stick with each level properly then your body will adapt and you'll start to feel stronger. Maybe you could try doing it every other day and doing another workout inbetween to curve the boredom?
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