Regis stone pans- who try it

ukloveme Posts: 125
edited January 9 in Chit-Chat
Hi Guys,

I was watching a commerical for Regis Stone Pans(from JML direct) and it was showing a you can fry a egg with no oil. Has anyone bought this product please? is it true?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    Doesn't sound like anything new, a properly seasoned cast iron pan needs no additional oil to keep an egg from sticking to fry it, as long as your pre-heat it adequately. So from that alone, pre-heated and properly seasoned, I'd imagine you could do it... I could try it with my pizza stone, that is also no-stick if it's pre-heated before you add the dough to it.
  • ukloveme
    ukloveme Posts: 125
    really, so i just need a non stick pan then?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
    cast iron pans aren't marketed as non-stick, that's the teflon / ceramic coated pans. you know the stuff that can chip off and kills pet-birds (in the case of teflon anyway) but I don't need oil in my cast iron as long as I heat it up first and it's always seasoned.
  • I bought these needed new pans anyway - like you I thought it sounded too good to be true - but it works - have done eggs no fat best pans I have ever had. Not had them long so don't know how will be long term.
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