Overlooking Progress I've Already Made

So I started dieting when I reached my highest weight of 300 pounds. My goal weight is anywhere from 160 to 180 pounds. So I have a TON of weight to lose.

I am having trouble focusing on the weight I have already lost and the changes I have already made. I just keep getting discouraged because all I can think about is how much I still have left to lose. Sometimes it feels like an impossible task.

I am a very artsy type of person and I would love to make some sort of motivating craft type thing to take to college with me (I leave in about a week). Does anyone have any suggestions?

Has anyone else struggled with similar issues? Any ideas on how to combat these feelings?


  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    "Don't wait until you've reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take toward reaching that goal."
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    I know what you're talking about...I,also, have a lot of weight to lose(seventy pounds) and feel little like congratulating myself after a measly twelve pounds...But it IS progress, and you've got to try to look at it that way...Maybe you could find an art store near your college to give you something to occupy your time with...I am, also, a creative type of person...Good LUck with the schooling and the weight loss!!!

  • enidite
    enidite Posts: 92 Member
    reward yourself along the way for reaching smaller goals. Take your measurements and photos to see your progress. The scale does not say it all.
    I also used to make a chain of paperclips. One paperclip for every pound lost and hung it at my desk. I was pretty excited when I could add another link to the chain. I am actually debating about making another chain this time around.
  • binor
    binor Posts: 77 Member
    I saw a picture on Pinterest where they had two vases decorated. One was pounds loss and one was pounds to go. You put marbles or stones in them and move them between the vases. I am making one today. I think it would be a good visual reminder.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Sometimes I feel like all I've done is gone from fat to still-fat. :/ I have to remind myself that every single pound is a victory, and that I don't just get to go from A to Z without passing B through Y.

    I think of it sort of like being on a train...I can't get from 220-ville to 140-burg without stopping at all the little towns in between. I may hate it and want to to hurry up and get to my final destination, but it's an unavoidable part of the process. I've unfortunately been broken down in 199-town for a while, but I'm going to get out of here I swear!