App addicted while losing weight? I am! And it is a blessing

I am...was wondering if anyone else is! between MFP, Fitbit, Runkeeper, Zombies, Run! 5k and my blog I am super focused on my goal.
Would love to meet some new bloggers who use that in conjunction with MFP
And if you use any of the above apps (or have other ones that keep you motivated ) let me know!


  • Diana77R
    I use NIke+ which is not synch with MFP but I love it, it keeps me motivated because it shows you the miles you had walk/run and compared with your Nike friends, I always get pushed by wanting to be at 1 place in the mile chart :) feel free to add me Diana_Reyes
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I don't have a blog but I'll be following yours (zombies yay!) :drinker:
  • highfalutin
    highfalutin Posts: 37 Member
    I haven't used the Nike app. I went with the Runkeeper since it did integrate with fitbit and mfp. I will check it out though!
  • highfalutin
    highfalutin Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks Snazzyjazzy! It really has made a difference in accountability for me. If I go over on my day I have to admit it to the world!
  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, i'm totally with you on the apps! I also evangelize phone apps as helpers in my lifestyle changes. I use MFP, Zombies, Run!, Runstastic, Fitbit and Audible.
    The Audible app is for listening to serial stories, maybe a chapter at a time listening to a book with a lot of action or suspense. However, it needs to be a very compelling story because i will limit myself to only being able to listen to the next part of the story by getting out of the house or the office and go for a walk so i can find out what happens next. This helps making exercise fun for me. :)
  • andy_geek
    andy_geek Posts: 85 Member
    BTW, since you like Zombies, i can send you the graphic i use for my MFP ticker below.
  • highfalutin
    highfalutin Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Andy! Audible is great idea! I hadn't thought of that. That is kinda the reason I was going with Zombies, Run! 5k app. I get a bit of the story but can still have music when I am working out. I will have to download a book to listen to and see if it will keep me motivated!

    This is me on fitbit:
    and this is me on zombies run:

    feel free to add me!