I'm a binger

So I do really well on MFP until I don't. I will go a couple of weeks and stay solid with working out and eating through weekends and big events and everything. Then I slip and I go over my calories and then I'm dunzo for at least 2 days. And during those 2 days I binge eat so bad and despite how much it sets me back, I've still done it a couple of times this summer. This weekend was bad. Fortunately it was only saturday night and sunday, so not too long and most of my excess calories cam from alcohol, but quite a few came from cake (my boyfriends birthday). I NEED HELP!

Are there any former bingers out there with some tips for me? Something other than "Think about how sorry you'll be tomorrow" because that hasn't worked. :sad:


  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    So I do really well on MFP until I don't. I will go a couple of weeks and stay solid with working out and eating through weekends and big events and everything. Then I slip and I go over my calories and then I'm dunzo for at least 2 days. And during those 2 days I binge eat so bad and despite how much it sets me back, I've still done it a couple of times this summer. This weekend was bad. Fortunately it was only saturday night and sunday, so not too long and most of my excess calories cam from alcohol, but quite a few came from cake (my boyfriends birthday). I NEED HELP!

    Are there any former bingers out there with some tips for me? Something other than "Think about how sorry you'll be tomorrow" because that hasn't worked. :sad:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    For me taking it one day at a time worked. I tell everyone that :laugh: Its much easier making it one day rather than a life time.. Soon one day leads to another, then a week, then a month.. etc I hope that helps a bit
  • lindizzzy
    lindizzzy Posts: 29
    I don't usually think about how sorry I'll be the next day....

    I usually just try to think about why I want the food and if I'm even hungry, and if I want something, I just eat it, but in smaller portions

    and if I know I'm going to be eating more later I eat light during the day, plus, having one cheat day a week isn't a big deal, as long as you don't over do it

    and if I over eat one day I just work extra hard at working out the next day

    i hope this helps
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I don't have any advice for you, but have the SAME problem
    I feel gross disgusted (so full) when I am binging, but that doesn't stop me and I usual eat as much as I can for the rest of the day (whenever the binge started)
    I know what I SHOULD do...focus on my emotions, get busy, drink water, do something/anything to distract myself....to be honest, I haven't found much that works when it hits
    Truth is I'm not hungry when I binge and sometimes I don't even feel anything...sad, angry, etc...I just feel the overwhelming desire to eat as much as possible

    I wish I had more advice for you...just wanted u to know you're not alone
    Maybe talking out our feeling on line will help make some sense of it all


  • PrincessDesiray
    PrincessDesiray Posts: 104 Member
    Oh my gosh I do the SAME thing!!!! This weekend was a rough time for me because we went to HErshey park on thursday (I actually packed our lunch and dinner). However then we went to see Billy Joel and that was it:noway: .....we were up till midnight at the concert got back to the hotel and binge city because the hubby was like lets go to the bar downstairs, they had great food by the way.:drinker: Then friday we went home and I ate whatever was left in our fridge from the week.:grumble: I was so mad at myself but then I kept going. Then Sat. was my 30th so I thought free day for me and that only went into Sun. Needless to say I gained back about 2-3 pounds:sick: and I am determined to do better this week.

    I am right there with ya, we can help each other along.
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Yes yes that is exactly it!! I have no reason other then I WANT TO EAT. I will be gross full and thinking about what I'm going to eat next- its like a sickness
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    And thanks for the support!!
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I am the same way and I always feel so AWFUL during my binges. I will binge and it carries over the next day b/c I wake up feeling so crappy from binging...I just continue eating. My latest binge started Friday. I was pmsing big time and I used that as my excuse to have a greasy breakfast from Chickfila. My excuse for lunch was "I allready blew it for the day so why not take the kids to McDonalds for lunch". And for dinner Dominoes. I really had no excuse...I just ate it..and ate it and ate it. I woke up Saturday and rode my bike 27 miles, which made me feel better, but we ate at a friend's house that night and I overate. Woke up Sunday and it was rainy and yucky outside so I used that as an excuse to eat all day. What kind of excuse is that?????

    Woke up with a new outlook today. No more binges. It takes too long to feel good again.

    I wish you luck my friend, b/c I understand your problem. I am right there with you!!
  • JayEm47
    JayEm47 Posts: 49
    wow it really feels so good to hear other people talking about this. i do the same thing and it has been a problem for me for a while now. i will go a week or two dieting really well then suddenly one day i'll just feel the need to binge. i have no clue why i feel the need to eat. im not hungry or anything i just get these sudden urges to and i always give in. and then after i start i say screw it i already messed up it doesnt even matter anymore. it always lasts a few days for me too because i wake up in the morning after bingeing feeling like crap about myself and feeling hopeless. im hoping that by joining this site and having some support i can learn to control my eating.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh I've been there! For sure! And for me it's mostly sweet things that I binge on. I'll scarf something down and feel bad about it, and I used to always just continue scarfing! But I've found that as soon as I feel guilty, go for a walk or do some ab exercises or something, I will re-gain some calories for the day, and by the time I'm done, my attitude has changed and I no longer want to binge. In fact, this happened to me this past Saturday. I scarfed down a whole Hershey's chocolate bar (like 280 calories) felt horrible, so quickly grabbed the dogs and went on a 2 mile walk. Regained most of those calories and didn't want to eat any more crap food when I got back! That's the only thing I've found that works for me. I wish you luck!:flowerforyou:
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    Ok well we just need to keep each other in line. I like the idea of having a "free day" but, hence the topic, I'm not good at eating in moderation if I'm not tallying it all. Maybe I'll try a free day once a month but still set a calorie limit, just a higher one than normal.

    It does feel good to see that other people have this problem and I'm not alone with my spoon and jar of peanut butter :laugh: Thanks again and I know we break this habit or urge or obsession or whatever it is
  • IAM125lbs
    IAM125lbs Posts: 235 Member
    This post is why this site is so wonderful. After my weekend of hot wings and pizza, I felt like a plum fool. But knowing I am not alone really helps shift my attitude. Today is my birthday and my family bought a lovely tropical cheesecake for me, the fruit is suppose to make it healthy at least that's what my daughter thought when she bought it. It's calling my name and I can't really throw it out because my fam think it's a big deal, which it is. So far I am dealing with the craving by eating fruit and planned meals and excercising so I can have one slice later. Thanks for this timely post.:flowerforyou:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Yes yes that is exactly it!! I have no reason other then I WANT TO EAT. I will be gross full and thinking about what I'm going to eat next- its like a sickness

    I totally do the same thing. Yesterday was bad for me....I overdosed on Little Debbie cakes AND an Oreo Frosty from Wendy's....sheesh! I'm back on track today and more determined than ever! So I wish you the best and just know you are not alone. :flowerforyou:
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    yeah you are not alone. I am an emotinal binger and it is hard to stop it when things are rough. I am allergic to wheat and that is usually what I go for on a binge. Today it was a lot of those bulk spelt sticks and life cereal. The thing is I dont even like life cereal but I am housesitting and I ate all of hers this morning before work and after my breakfast. Then I ate the spelt sticks.
    I am trying not to beat myself up but binging is a challenge for sure.

    Hang in there.
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Lots of people on this site have talked about how much better they do when they up their calories every so often. It keeps their metabolism from settling in and plateauing. I wouldn't be upset that I don't do well once in a while. I would try to concentrate on all the days I'm doing well. Before you started MFP you maybe were binging every day, so don't try to be perfect because it probably won't work. Just plug along, do the best you can, and forgive yourself when you have a binge day or two and then keep on going. It's a process. To me the hardest part is being patient. One other thing I sometimes do when I go over my calories is to go and do extra exercise to actually pay for them. Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • mjfer123
    mjfer123 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I agree with a few of the earlier posts, ask yourself why your eating, if its not because you are hungry then just walk away.
    If you don't even want the temptation, do what I've done, take all the food you like to binge on that is unhealthy and throw it out/donate it and replace it with fruits and veggies and water.
    I only buy chips and soda if theres a party that I have planned. Its really hard with summer and I mess up here and there, but without the snacks in house, I can't eat them.
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    This post is why this site is so wonderful. After my weekend of hot wings and pizza, I felt like a plum fool. But knowing I am not alone really helps shift my attitude. Today is my birthday and my family bought a lovely tropical cheesecake for me, the fruit is suppose to make it healthy at least that's what my daughter thought when she bought it. It's calling my name and I can't really throw it out because my fam think it's a big deal, which it is. So far I am dealing with the craving by eating fruit and planned meals and excercising so I can have one slice later. Thanks for this timely post.:flowerforyou:

    Well happy birthday!! Keep p the good work and stick to that one slice :)

    Thanks for the posts guys!
  • Lowrider
    Lowrider Posts: 16 Member
    Emotional or boredom eating is such a powerful craving and I have been on that roller coaster way too long. If I can tell myself, I know what that tastes like and I know I am full, why eat more when I know I am going to beat myself up for it. Do I want to smile about my "taming the Tiger" or feel like crap I gave in to it. Then I literally throw away what I was planning to eat. I know it is a waste but it is the only way I can ensure I don't continue to eat it. (its usually junk food or sweets and neither my husband or myself will miss it in the long run.)
  • meg0112
    meg0112 Posts: 344
    The weekend is upon us! Lets stay strong. Just in case, I got another tip from a friend of mine-write down your next couple of bunges. Write where you are, what time it is, and everything you ate and how long you ate for. It might not be emotional eating, but there could be something else triggering the binging or something you can avoid. Also if you try to drink a glass of water between each thing you eat you'll get to your stopping point faster. Hope this helps all of us :drinker:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I do the same thing. Every so often it's like my mind just says "Screw it, I want junk" and I'll eat cake or a bunch of banana bread..lol or something else high calorie. I don't know why we do this, but I just try and start fresh the next day. Usually I don't gain from my little binges, and actually I think it might actually help me some b/c it mixes things up and keeps my body guessing. I only have a day like this every so often..maybe once a month, and it's not the whole day, just one or two baaaad choices. Like sitting down with a can of honey roasted cashews after dinner lol